Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, Alexander Technique Consultants, Alternative Health Directory, Australia Healers Directory, Australian Association of Remedial Masseurs Inc., Australian Homeopathic Association, Australian Traditional-Medicine Society (ATMS), Body Business, Bowen Therapists Federation of Australia, Complementary Healthcare Council of Australia, Conscious Miracles - Australian Alternative Health
Australian Breastfeeding Association, Australian College of Ambulance Professionals, Australian College of Clinical Psychologists, Australian College of Practicising Clinical Psych, Australian Council on Healthcare Standards, Australian Doctors Trained Overseas Association, Australian Drug Foundation, Australian Health Promotion Association, Australian Indigenous Healthinfonet, Australian Institute of Health and Welfare
Conditions and Diseases
Allergies, Autism Spectrum Disorders, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Alzheimer's Association, Australian Kidney Foundation, Australian Spine Institute, Back or Neck Related Pain, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), Depressionet, Eczema Association of Australia, Functional Integrated Therapies, Genital Warts Treatment & Information, Neuromyotomy
Affinity Health, Australian Hospital Directory, Australian Resource Centre for Hospital Innovation, Ramsay Health Care
Occupational Health and Safety
Ansell Asia Pacific, d:tec Australia, Molliwell, National Occupational Health and Safety Commission, Spill Station® Australia
Chemist Works, Combantrin Worm Treatment, OnLine Pharmacy, Pharmarcy Direct, QPharmacy
Physicians and Clinics
Australian Academy of Medicine & Surgery, Australian Divisions of General Practice, Marie Stopes International in Australia, Medicine Australia, The Royal Australian & New Zealand College of
Senior Health
Ability Technology, Age Concern, Aged Care Quality Association, Aged Care Services Australia., Australian Geriatric Society, Cook Care Group nursing homes, Healthy Ageing, Safe Return Home, Southern Cross Care Australia, The Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency
Diabetes Counselling Online
Online counselling and discussion forum for australians with diabetes. Includes information for diabetics, details of the counselling service, and extensive list of related links in each state.
Disability Information and Resource Centre
Collects and disseminates information on all aspects of disability by providing a place for debate and advocacy on relevant issues.
e Medical Australia
A broad range of medical information, up to date news, the advice, support, plus chat rooms on key concerns and issues.
eMJA The Medical Journal of Australia
Reviewed journal of medical practice and clinical research.
Health Information
Links to evidence-based and non-commercial sites are grouped by life stages and by topic. Includes a section on Australian resources.
Health Network
Information on over 750 diseases, treatments and medical tests, written by doctors, specialists and pharmacists. Plus an online health clinic for questions and answers.
Lifeline Australia
Contact information, mission statement, goals and a directory of services.
Australian Health Professionals Internet community with accredited online education, professional development, conferences, group collaborations, and useful information.
National BBQ Day
Information on activities for National BBQ Day and fundraising for The National Heart Foundation of Australia.
National Breast Cancer Centre
Offers information about breast cancer for consumers and health professionals. Includes advice, news, programs and events.
Nutrition Australia
Non-profit, independent body promoting the health and well-being of all Australians. Includes nutrition news and health facts.
Post-Polio Network
A directory set up to provide advice through an information kit, regular newsletters and bulletins on polio and the management of its late effects.
Provax Australia
Provides professional vaccination services to business and industry, on site at competitive prices.
Quantum Technology
Conducts research, development and training for people with disabilities. Also supplies specialised equipment for those with low vision.
SANE Australia
Mental illness and related topics, with downloadable factsheets, details of publications, writings and artworks by people with a mental illness.
Search For Good Health
Providing information for establishing optimal health through integrated functional medicine.
Produced by the Anti-Cancer Council of Victoria to minimise the human risk of skin cancer from the sun.
Swim and Survive
Water safety instructions, print pictures to colour or play a rescue game, produced by the Royal Surf Life Saving Society.
The Babel Tree Project
A database of web-served translated consumer brochures on disability. The site provides some of these brochures in Acrobat PDF format.
The Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand
Information about the aims and objectives of the society.
The Health Report on ABC Radio National
Lists dates and summaries of current reports.
Useful Medical Links
Over 200 international links to online medical information. includes diseases and conditions, support groups and organisations, government contacts and assistance. Also includes latest news on the Australian health industry.
Medical centre and online resources focusing on integrative medicine using a combination of conventional medicine and natural therapies.