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Amazing Australia
General information and trivia on Australia, places to visit, accommodation and tours.
Australia Post
Post code search.
Beyond the BlackStump
Keyword search engine which indexes Australia and the rest of the world.
Community information and services.
Currency Conversion Guide
A currency converter offering an up to the minute guide to the value of the Australian dollar against other currencies.
Directory of Archives
Aims to identify the location of as many archival collections as possible throughout Australia.
Tourism and business guide to various Australian cities.
A search engine for Australia and New Zealand powered by LookSmart.
Google Australia
Offers the choice of searching the whole web or web pages from Australia. Also advanced search, image and groups search, news and directory from the Open Directory.
Guide to Australia
Hosted by Charles Sturt University. Includes links to information on culture, geography, the nation, tourism, science and education, towns, trade and commerce, travel and communications, the Sydney 2000 Olympics and the current Republican debate.
Documenting and promoting the development of the Indigenous Australian presence on the internet. Includes link library and mailing list.
LookSmart Australia
Search or browse editor reviewed Australian web sites.
An online encyclopedia and guide to all things Australian.
Gateway to Australian focused web sites, offering weather, news and links to all of the best of Australia.
Searches only .au domains.
White Pages Online
Telephone listing search facilities for residential and commercial and government lines. Postcode search, world time, services, and site help.
Yahoo Australia and NZ
Local Australian mirror of Yahoo.
Yellow Pages OnLine
Searchable database lists more than two million Australian businesses by name, product or service type, as well as by location.
Your Guide.com.au
Guide to major and regional centres around the country; categorised by state.