620 WTMJ Newsradio, WJZI Smooth Jazz 93.3, WKTI, WLUM-FM Rock 102 One, WMIL FM-106, WMSE 91.7FM
GM Today
Local news, sports, entertainment, and weather from Greater Milwaukee Today.
Milwaukee Local News:
Local, regional, and statewide news collected from diverse sources on the web.
Milwaukee Magazine
Promotional site for upscale regional feature and lifestyle publication.
Milwaukee-Journal Sentinel
Online version offering updated local and national news.
Online Catholic Herald
Promotional site for newspaper published by the Archdiocese of Milwaukee offers parish news, Archbishop Weakland's column, a parenting section, and links to the Vatican.
Riverwest Currents
Monthly newspaper for the Riverwest neighborhood. Selected articles reprinted on the Web. Staff listing, mission statement, subscription and advertising information.
Shepherd Express Metro
Weekly newspaper features investigative reporting and issues, local arts and entertainment.
The Business Journal of Milwaukee
Local, regional, and national news, subscription information, and sales prospecting resources.
The Milwaukee Catholic Herald
Presents key stories, and additional resources as well as Catholic Herald Parenting magazine.
The Milwaukee Times Weekly
Weekly news including features, sports, lifestyle and entertainment by the Black Press Network.
The Milwaukee Urban Star
Independent analysis of world events and trends. Includes a blog.