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Arbor Hills Neighborhood Association
Information about events, the board, clubs, and bylaws.
Atwood Community Center
Near east-side community center working to faciliate a community atmosphere, identify and respond to community needs, cooperate with individuals and other agencies to provide that help, and promote recreational and cultural events.
Bay Creek Neighborhood
Central neighborhood with information and programs for people who live or work in Bay Creek. Includes publications, calendar and list of contacts.
Capitol Neighborhoods, Inc.
Downtown association representing the neighborhoods of First Settlement, Bassett, Mansion Hill and Capitol Centre in downtown Madison. Includes list of events, links and articles.
Cherokee Park Neighborhood Association
Northside non-profit organization with goals to provide community enjoyment and awareness of the neighborhood. Includes archived newsletters, list of events and volunteer opportunities.
City of Madison Neighborhood Associations
Programs and services, neighborhood association finder, publications, and listserv.
Country Grove Neighborhood Association (CGNA)
Resource for neighborhood association located on the southwest side of Madison Wisconsin. Includes list of events and police newsletter.
Dudgeon-Monroe Neighborhood Association
Near-westside association with information about connections to the neighborhood, its association, and the City.
Elvehjem Neighborhood Association
Far-eastside association with information including news, events, community information, and contacts.
Emerson East Neighborhood Association
East side membership organization dedicated to maintaining the neighborhood as a friendly, safe, and pleasant place to live and work. Includes a list of contacts and membership form.
Glacial Ridge Neighborhood Association
Community aimed at improving and maintaining the neighborhood as well as meeting neighbors, exchanging ideas and implementing plans. Includes newsletter archive, list of officers and by laws.
Greenbush Neighborhood Association
Devoted to preserving a high quality of life for all residents, both renters and homeowners. Includes latest news, cultural events, parks and seasonal events.
Greentree Neighborhood Association
Includes board meeting minutes, list of board members and block captains and the opportunity to be involved in an e-mail campaign and contribute ideas.
Hiestand Neighborhood
East side neighborhood with the mission to protect and enhance character of the neighborhood, promote quality and safety and build a sense of community. Includes volunteer opportunities, archived newsletters and events.
Indian Springs Neighborhood Association
South side neighborhood with the intent to provide community enjoyment. Includes a list of upcoming events, opportunities to get involved and the current newsletter.
Kennedy Heights Community Center
Non-profit charity organization located in the Kennedy Heights Neighborhood providing programs and assistance for the neighborhood.
Lake View Hill
Clustered around Lake View Hill and its surrounding woods with the purpose of providing a spirit of community among neighborhood residents, and to deal with civic issues. Contact information, events and links.
Marquette Neighborhood Association
Information about youth programs, the Orton Park and Yahara Waterfront festivals and other activities in the Marquette-Williamson neighborhood.
Mayfair Park Neighborhood Association
Northeast association working to effect change and improve the community. Includes a list of neighborhood events and activities.
McClellan Park Neighborhood
East side neighborhood neighborhood association providing news, information, ideas, inspiration and a sense of community. Includes archived newsletters, list of events and local links.
Meadowood Neighborhood Association
Upcoming events, volunteer opportunities, announcements and list of board members and officers.
Midvale Heights Community Association
History, volunteer opportunities, a forum and neighborhood pictures.
Nakoma Neighborhood
West side neighborhood community with opportunities to share contractor references, find a babysitter or sell household items. Includes a list of contacts and community links.
Northside Planning Council
Neighborhood association for the north side of Madison Wisconsin. Represents Warner Park and Cherokee and includes maps and demographics, list of resources and information on how to get involved.
Old Market Place
Located in the heart of the Isthmus and on the shores of Lake Mendota. Includes a list of board members, meeting minutes and neigbhorhood information.
Orchard Ridge Community
Southwest side neighborhood with history, events and school information.
Regent Neighborhood Association
Central neighborhood association seeking to improve the livability of the neighborhood and the welfare of its residents. Includes a listserv and history of the neighborhood.
Reston Heights
Far-east side neighborhood with information and documents relating to the neighborhood, links and a message forum.
Ridgewood Neighborhood Association
Neighborhood news, developments, events, contact information and police newsletter.
Sauk Creek Neighborhood
West side neighborhood with bylaws, newsletter, calendar and links.
Schenk/Atwood/Starkweather/Yahara Neighborhood Ass
Located in the heart of Madison, site includes a e-mail discussion group, events and information on current and future development.
Sherman Neighborhood Association
North side neighborhood with list of events and useful links.
Spring Harbor Neighborhood
West side neighborhood with a message from the President, archived newsletters and a directory.
Stone Meadows Neighborhood Association
Southwest neighborhood with the goal to build community through improvements and promotion of the neighborhood, an fostering understanding and camaraderie among all the Neighborhood's residents.
Sunset Village Community Association
Located about 4 1/2 miles west of the Capitol Square comprised of approximately 1000 households. Includes contact and voting information and list of events.
Tenney-Lapham Neighborhood Association
Near-east side neighborhood with online calendar of events, message board, current and archived newsletters, and list of elected officers.
University Hill Farms Neighborhood Association
West side neighborhood offering social events and opportunities to contribute. Includes current newsletter, Bylaws and architectural review document.
Vilas Neighborhood Association
Near west side neighborhood with the goals of enhancing the neighborhood's residential character and attributes, and the promotion of camaraderie among the neighborhood's residents.
Walnut Grove Homes Association
West side home owner's association with archived newsletters, news from the alder and announcements.
Westchester Gardens Neighborhood Association
Northeast side neighborhood with archived newsletters, pictures and a calendar of events.
Westmorland Neighborhood Association
Near-west side neighborhood with the mission to strengthen the sense of community among residents, preserve and enhance the quality of life in Westmorland, and support residents to address matters of neighborhood concern.
Wexford Village Homeowner's Association
West side homeowner's association with list of events, calendar and volunteer opportunities. Association covenants and meeting minutes also available.
Wil-Mar Neighborhood Center
A community-directed, non-profit organization based in the Williamson-Marquette neighborhood on the near east side. Includes a list of programs and volunteer opportunities.