Aldo Leopold Elementary School
Information about after-school opportunities, the Parent Faculty Organization, and school history. Also includes a staff list and contact details.
Charles Lindbergh Elementary School
Information for parents, volunteer details, and student projects.
Chávez Elementary School
Calendar, health and immunization information, news, and school supply lists.
Elvehjem Elementary School
Newsletters, school statistics, summer enrichment information, and contact details.
Franklin Elementary School
Parent Teacher Organization information, including meeting minutes and budget, and resources for students.
Glenn W. Stephens Elementary School
Classroom information and teacher profiles, calendar of events, and school supply lists.
Huegel Elementary School
Special services, teacher and class profiles, programs, and calendar.
John Muir Elementary School
School overview and contact information.
Kennedy Elementary School
Transportation, hot lunch and after school programs, academic program, school climate and partnerships. Located on the far east side.
Lake View Elementary School
Overview of academic programs, school climate, partnerships; includes contact details.
Lapham Elementary School
Calendar, staff directory, bus routes and contact information. Located on the near east side.
Lowell Elementary School
Event calendar, photo gallery, and Lowell Home and School Association information.
Marquette Elementary School
Staff directory, calendar of events, and classroom activities.
Midvale-Lincoln Elementary School
Staff directory, Parent Teacher Association information, class resources, and contact details.
Sandburg Elementary School
Resources for students, staff and parents. Includes code of conduct and calendar of events.