english deutsch
Elementary Schools
Aldo Leopold Elementary School, Charles Lindbergh Elementary School, Chávez Elementary School, Elvehjem Elementary School, Franklin Elementary School, Glenn W. Stephens Elementary School, Huegel Elementary School, John Muir Elementary School, Kennedy Elementary School, Lake View Elementary School
High Schools
East High School, James Madison Memorial High School, Madison West High School, Malcolm Shabazz City High School, The La Follette High School
Middle Schools
Akira Toki Middle School, Black Hawk Middle School, Cherokee Heights Middle School, Georgia O'Keeffe Middle School, James Coleman Wright Middle School, Sennett Middle School, Spring Harbor Environmental Magnet Middle School, Thomas Jefferson Middle School, Velma Hamilton Middle School
At Home In Madison
Information about and links to local Madison area school systems made possible through a partnership between schools and real estate industry.
Children's Hospital School
School which serves the needs of school-age children who are under care and treatment at the University of Wisconsin-Madison Hospital.
Madison Memorial High School Boys Basketball
Statistics, schedules, pictures, records and links to other high schools in Wisconsin's Big Eight Conference.
Madison Metropolitan School District
Official website for Madison, Wisconsin public schools.
Madison Metropolitan School District Electronic Li
Provides links to resources selected for staff and students.
Saint Ambrose Academy
Provides junior high and high school aged children a education based in the Catholic faith.
St. James School
Catholic school offering K-8 education. Includes a calendar of events, school history, and photographs of special events.
Wingra School
Independent day school for students between 5 and 14. Includes news, library resources, class profiles, and Wingra-zine student magazine.