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Chats and Forums
City of Beloit Club at Yahoo, City of Beloit Online Forum at Delphi, Former Beloit Corporation Employees Forum
Personal Pages
Hot Links to Hell Town, Mark's Slightly Useful Web Page, Official Website of Matt Forbeck, Peltier-Robson Family, Shannon Scharmer, Win at Gin
A Book Of Prayers, Beloit Wisconsin Ward, Central Christian Church, Congregation B'nai Abraham, First Congregational Church of Beloit, First United Methodist Church, Our Lady of Assumption, Rock County Jail Chaplaincy, Rock Valley Chapel Online, United Church of God
Beloit College Mindset List
Annual list developed and published by Beloit College faculty is a reminder of that we live in an ever-changing world.
Beloit Corporation History Project
A tribute to its history, products, people, and milestones.
Help Urban Beloit
The HUB Center is a community-based organization to aid youth in reaching personal, family, and economic success. Program listings, contact information, and history.
League of Women Voters
Government, election, membership and contact information, and a calendar of events for the Beloit area.
Stateline Boys and Girls Club
Serving boys and girls ages 6 to 18. Emphasis on gender inclusion, family involvement and teen outreach. Programs, services, location, and event information. Board and staff contact information, including club history and benefits. Information on how to volunteer, contribute or financially support the club.
Stateline Brewing Society
Information, history, meeting notes, recipes, photos, and message board for this homebrewing club.