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Beloit Airport
Information on general aviation services, prices, scheduling events, map and GPS, photos, and some history of this recreational aviation airport. Glider rental and ride information under Sylvania Soaring Adventures pages.
Beloit Bowling Association
Current news and information of interest to Beloit area bowlers.
Beloit Horseshoe Club
One of the few horseshoe clubs that provides its own facilities on 3 acres of land, with 13 courts, and a clubhouse with shade trees and wooded areas frequented by a variety of wildlife.
Beloit Snappers
Single-A affiliate of the Milwaukee Brewers. Home games are played at Harry Pohlman Field in Telfer Park in Beloit, Wisconsin.
Beloit Youth Hockey Association
Teams, schedules, fund-raising programs, organizational contact information, facilities, and history.
EAA Chapter 60
Local chapter of the Experimental Aircraft Association promotes homebuilt and general aviation. Member list, photo gallery, newsletter, officers, contact information, calendar and links.
Jerry's Sport Service
New and pre-owned boat sales, service, and parts. Inventory and store hours available online.
Lee Marine and Computer
Boat sales, and troubleshooting and repair services. Location, hours of operation, contact information, coupons. Also offers computer troubleshooting and repair services.