english deutsch
Dr. Joseph Audia, O.D.
Doctor of Optometry.
Fort New Salem
Historical recreation of a military fort. Affiliated with Salem International University. Includes guided tour and slide show.
Salem Area Chamber of Commerce
Includes history of the city, calendar of events, business directory, city government and membership list.
Salem EastGate Center
Salem mini-mall. Includes store directory and calendar of events.
Salem Local News: Topix.net
Local, regional, and statewide news collected from diverse sources on the web.
Salem Mission, Inc.
A brief overview of the mission, its purpose, mission, vision and services.
Salem Seventh Day Baptist Church
Includes message from the pastor, ministries, service and meeting schedules, and contact information.
Salen Apple Butter Festival
Annual autumn festival in Salem, West Virginia. Includes history, photo album, and applications.