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City-data.com - Bellingham, Washington
Profiles housing, population demographics, jobs, weather and climate tables, and maps. Find a list of area hospitals, schools, airports, and radio and TV broadcast stations.
Northwest Regional Archives
A small but significant percentage of all state and local government records continue to have value long after they are needed in the office where they are created. These archival records document the vibrant history of interaction between the citizens of Washington and their government, be it the governor, the legislature, state agencies, the courts, school districts, counties, cities, or other public entities.
Whatcom County Genealogy
From GenWeb, historical information, links and an extensive data base for genealogy search in Whatcom County.
Whatcom County Historical Society
Includes a variety of records, in addition to a photo gallery, communities, projects, and other Pacific Northwest history links.
Whatcom County QuickFacts from the US Census Burea
Frequently requested Census statistics for Whatcom County.
Whatcom Genealogy Society
Nonprofit educational organization dedicated to promoting genealogical and family history. Includes hours, a membership application, a directory of officers, publications for sale, and research assistance.
Whatcom Museum of History and Art
Dedicated to the collection, preservation, exhibition and interpretation of this region's art and cultural history. Includes information about museum tours, research grants, collections, a gift shop, and employment opportunities.