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Boeing Custom Bus
Routes, fares and schedules for custom bus routes to and from Boeing plants in Renton and Everett.
Real-time bus locator for areas across King County including Kingsgate, Seatac Airport, Bellevue Square, the University of Washington, and other places in Seattle.
Fare Information
Everything you ever wanted to know about Metro bus fares including regional rates, bus passes, tokens, the ride free area, special child rates, and even fares for pets.
How to Ride a Metro Bus
Everything you ever wanted to know about riding a Metro bus in King County. Includes schedules, fares, rules, info for disabled riders, and even a 16-minute video.
Metro Bus Timetables and Route Maps
Route maps and schedules for public bus service throughout King County including Seattle and other cities.
Metro Routes to Popular Destinations
Directions from Downtown Seattle to employment centers, museums, libraries, parks, hospitals, shopping centers, colleges and universities, and courts throughout King County.
Metro to and from Sea-Tac Airport
Bus service between Sea-Tac airport and localities across King County.
Metro Transit Regional Map
Click on the map to identify routes, schedules, and route maps in various regions of Western King County.