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City of Poquoson
The official City of Poquoson website. Locate all city services, meeting times and places, and all elected and non-elected city officials.
City Sewer
Local ordinances and sewer links included.
City Treasurer
Tax information, employee directory, and treasurer bio included.
Commissioner of the Revenue
Local tax information included.
Department of Finance
View information on department, financial information, and view departments supervised.
Disaster Prevention
Links and information about preperations for natural disasters in Poquoson.
Engineering Office
Learn about the tasks of the Department.
Planning Commission
Maps and listing of development oppurtunities included.
Poquoson City Charter
The document that officially made Poquoson a city in 1975.
Poquoson Fire and Rescue
Meet the staff, learn how to become a volunteer fireman, and get tips on fire prevention.
Poquoson Police Department
Information on the department, dispatch, and links to other police sites included.
Voter Registrar
Officer of elections in Poquoson. Voting locations and results of past elections are available.