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Business and Economy
Catalogs America, Harold McPeak's Complete Tree Service, Horton Vineyards, The Gentle Gardener
Travel and Tourism
Lodging, Sleepy Hollow Farm Bed and Breakfast
AccuWeather: Gordonsville
5-day weather forecast, wind chill or heat index, National Weather Service forecast for the surrounding area.
Exchange Hotel Civil War Museum
Hotel history, images of several exhibits, photos of civil war reenactments, visitor's information, and price list of items available in the museum store.
Gordon-Barbour Elementary School
Public K-6 school. Contact information, history.
Gordonsville Area Map
Shows where Gordonsville is in relation to Charlottesville, Orange, and surrounding communities.
Gordonsville Local News: Topix.net
Local, regional, and statewide news collected from diverse sources on the web.
Gordonsville Town Map
Closeup view of the Town of Gordonsville, Virginia. Interactive street map.
Gordonsville Volunteer Fire Company
Company 24 apparatus and personnel.
Oakland Heights Farm
Breeds and trains horses. Farm history, photos, and profiles of the owners.
The Weather Channel - Gordonsville, Virginia
Current conditions, 5-day forecast, detailed forecast, Doppler radar maps.
Weather Underground: Gordonsville, Virginia, Forec
Active advisories, if any. Current conditions, forecast, links to weather maps.