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Faith Bible Fellowship, Farmville Baptist Church, Farmville Church Directory, Farmville United Methodist Church, Piedmont Church of Christ, Shepherds Day Care - Smyrna United Methodist Churc
Arts in the Heartland
Introduction to the arts, cultural, and recreational opportunities in the area with events listings and news about recent events.
Cub Scout Pack 6296
Recent news, upcoming events and contact information.
Farmville Area MOPS
Offering support to the Farmville Area Mothers Of PreSchoolers the website offers a calendar of events, photo albums, bulletin boards, and information about the MOPS group.
Farmville Rotary Club
Information about becoming a member, what being a member means, news about upcoming and past events, and information on current members.
Five County Fair
General information about upcoming events and participation, list of board members, and pictures, video and general coverage of the events each year.
Heart of Virginia Festival
Celebration of arts, culture and music in Virginia held each year. Information about participation and events in the next festival and an archive of pictures and stories from previous years.
Heartland Productions
Local Community group that organizes events. Contains details about currently organized events, purpose of the organization, and latest news.
Prince Edward-Farmville Youth Association
Provides youth athletic programs. Site contains rules and regulations, news, pictures, list of board members and general information.
Southside Virginia Family YMCA
Information and adult and youth programs.
The Waterworks Players
Community theatre group. Short description of the group, map to the theatre and few pictures from previous productions.