english deutsch
Calvary Baptist Church
Southern Baptist church, information about worship services, prayer and fellowship meetings.
Church of the Holy Spirit
Episcopal church, overview, events calendar, newsletter, and information about their ministries.
Community Fellowship
For people in their 20s-40s, mostly single. Events, photo albums, Prayer groups. Sponsored by West End, St. Giles, and Third Presbyterian churches.
CrossCurrent Young Adult Ministries
Activities, news, member profiles, mailing lists, contact information and links.
Daybreak Community Church
Southern Baptist, information about church services guide, Christian resources and contacts.
Gateway Community Church
Information about events, opportunities, resources, directions and finding god.
Our Savior's Way Lutheran Church
Info about the organizations and services within this Missouri Synod church. Also provides statement of faith, Christian education and prayer resources, links, guest book, and committees.
St. David's Episcopal Church
Church overview and history, announcements, and information about their school, and ministries.
Stroud Family Impression
Family shares pictures, poetry and personal updates for friends and family. The site contains wonderful links and resources for ministry and bible study.