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Cyberways and Waterways
Focuses on the environment and education using an online and field study learning program with curriculum centered on rivers, creeks, coastlines, and oceans. Includes news, field worksheets and field guide, forums, and a list of things you can do for the environment in your community.
Refinery Reform
Aims to clean up US oil refineries, including two in Baytown and Port Arthur. Includes sample letter and form for contacting officials, information about pollution laws, and a list of resources.
Say No to GMOs
Focuses on grassroots education, activities, and resources in Texas for consumer choice regarding genetically modified food. Includes news, a list of foods to avoid, an HEB letter campaign, and a list of activities and events.
Sierra Club Lone Star Chapter
Works to preserve the environment, energy, and clean water, and to stop global warming. Includes calendar, mailing list, newsletter, how to get involved, action alerts, library of by-laws and position papers, and links to local chapters.
Sustainable Energy and Economic Development (SEED)
Supports clean air and energy in Texas. Includes information about the problems and proposed solutions, forms for contacting officials, calls to action, mailing list, and articles, fact sheets, and reports.
Texas Public Employees for Environmental Responsib
Protects public employees who protect the environment. Includes news and mailing list.
Texas Ratepayers' Organization to Save Energy
Advocates for low-income consumers. Includes information about deregulation, energy and money saving programs and tips, and a membership form.