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DeTar Healthcare System
Regional hospital and healthcare organization. Offers a directory of services, employment opportunities, history, guests services and contact information for the hospital and other departments.
Dr. Layne Towery
Third generation chiropractor. Offers a selection of services that include acupuncture, weight loss programs and chiropractic adjustments, provides photos, brief bio of Dr. Towery, office hours, payment schedule and contact information.
John H. Swannack DDS Inc.
Local area Dentist offering a full range of dental services, including sedation and whitening. Provides a map with directions, hours of operation, financial terms and conditions, questions and answers for new patients and a online patient appointment form.
Permanent Cosmetic Clinic
Offers permanent cosmetic procedures. Includes photos, description of services offered, FAQ and contact information.
South Texas Eye Center
Eye care and surgical organization. Offers LASIK procedures and other forms of eye surgery, includes background history and online contact information.