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Bobby D. Brown
Local area attorney. Specializing in employment and labor law and provides contact information.
Cole, Cole & Easley, P.C.
Attorneys at law, news letter and links are listed.
David C. Griffin
Partner in the firm of, Houston, Marek & Griffin, L.L.P. Board certified and specializes in personal injury and trial law.
Howard R. Marek
Partner in the law firm of Houston, Marek & Griffin, L.L.P. Board certified and specializes in real estate and oil and gas law.
John W. Griffin, Jr.
Managing partner of the law firm of Houston, Marek & Griffin, L.L.P. Specializes in civil litigation and is board certified in civil trial law, consumer law and personal injury trial law.
Law Firm of Houston, Marek & Griffin, LLP
One of the largest full service firms in the area.
Lynn A. Knaupp
Partner in the law firm of Houston, Marek & Griffin, L.L.P. Board certified and specializes in family law.
Mark C. Rains & Associates,P.C.
Attorneys & counselors at law,includes biographical and professional information.
Walker, Keeling and Carroll, L.L.P.
Local law firm. Offering a general practice and profiles of the attorneys.