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Angela Pierce, Massage Therapist
Offers CranioSacral therapy, stress management, relaxation, sports massage and aromatherapy.
Creekside Yoga
Offers hatha yoga classes. Includes class schedule and prices.
Dr. Sarah Sirbasku
Licensed clinical child psychologist and family psychologist, providing therapy, evaluation, and consultation services.
Hands on Physical Therapy
Treats back and neck pain, headaches, chronic fatigue, pelvic pain, and sports injuries with advanced massage therapy and myofascial release.
Healing Touch Therapies
Specializes in stress management therapeutic massage.
Oakwood Surgery Center
Facility located in Round Rock gives patients and physicians an alternative to surgery at a hospital.
Round Rock Medical Center
Offers health services, private rooms, a women's center, and an emergency room.
Round Rock Orthopedics and Rehab
Offers orthopedic, sports medicine, and surgery services.
Round Rock Sertoma Club
Service club whose primary objective is to provide the opportunity for all in the community to hear and speak clearly. Includes a newsletter, fund raising, meetings, social events, and links.
Tuggle Chiropractic
Offers practice details, services, and contact information.