english deutsch
Austin Elementary School
K-5th Grade. Lamar CISD.
Calvary Episcopal School
Offers programs for pre-Kindergarten through grades five. Includes information about the school programs, activities and resources, faculty biographies, PTA and contacts.
Deaf Smith Elementary School
PK-5th Grade. Lamar CISD.
Jane Long Elementary School
PK-5th Grade. Lamar CISD.
LCISD What You Should Know
Unofficial site with information for families of GT and High Achiever students in the district. Includes message board and links.
Meyer Elementary School
PK-5th Grade. Lamar CISD.
Pecan Grove Elementary School
K-5th Grade. Fort Bend ISD.
Seguin Elementary School
PK-5th Grade. Lamar CISD.
Thomas Lane Pink Elementary
PK-5th Grade. Lamar CISD.
Vicki Coffman
Tutor certified in music, math, computer science, computer applications, business, speech, English, and theatre. Also offers saxophone and clarinet lessons.
Williams Elementary School
PK-5th Grade. Lamar CISD.