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Abbeville Dentistry
General dental service including preventive care, cosmetic dentistry and dentistry for children.
Bill G. Edwards, DDS
Includes profiles of the dentist and staff, a list of services, and financial and insurance information.
Class One Orthodonics
Braces and general orthodontia.
DocGerwig.com - Wayson Gerwig, DDS
Photographs of the office, staff pictures, services, and contact and financial details.
Joe C. Forsman Orthodontics
Dental clinic.
Joe H Mayes, DDS, MS
Orthodontist with offices in Lubbock and Lamesa. Addresses and phone numbers, maps, financing options, doctor biography and qualifications, products, FAQ, and guestbook.
Joe Harkins, DDS
Specializes in general dentistry, cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics and implants.
John V. Ward, Jr., D.M.D.
General and cosmetic practice. Includes qualifications, list of services, a frequently asked questions.
Kathleen M. Nichols, DDS
Includes a profile of the dentist, photos of staff and the office, and information about dental services.
Rodger McCuistion, DDS
Includes information about bleaching, crowns, and sedation. Also includes insurance information.
Scott Dentistry
Includes a profile of the dentist, information about staff, and a list of services.
Smiles by Design
Practice of Dr. Daniel Chaparro III. Includes a list of services and profiles of staff members.
South Plains Pediatric Dental Group
Dental practice specializing in childhood dentistry.
St Clair Orthodontics
Includes articles on what to expect, staff directory, map to the offices and promotions.