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Boatwright & Hamilton, PLLC
Representing those arrested in West Texas and the Texas Panhandle. Site provides general tips and advice for those arrested for DWI, and contact information.
Daniel B. Stephens & Associates, Inc.
An environmental consulting firm providing a full range of services in surface and groundwater hydrology and civil and environmental engineering.
Elizabeth F. Huffman, Attorney at Law
Specialist in bankruptcy law.
Hammerman and Gainer, Inc.
Third party administrators, consultants, adjusters and investigators, and appraisers.
Law Office of Margaret R. Ingle
Primarily family law and general civil matters. Includes information on services offered and professional biography.
Ratliff and Wells - Attorneys at Law
Specializing in bankruptcy, criminal, and family law.
Walker Metcalf, Attorney
Specializing in bankruptcy, commercial law, and elder law in Lubbock, Texas.