english deutsch
ARNet, Avalanche Digital Works, Caprock Technology, Chameleon Soul, Digital Base Productions, GentrySoft, HubNet, Infinite Dimensions - Conceptual Hyperspaces, Llano.Net, Lubbockinternet.net
Business Solutions
Information technology professionals with specialization in Windows NT Server networking environments.
Compu-Share, Inc.
Professional business software developers.
Computer Express
A full-service computer solution provider.
Computer Services, Inc.
Provides on site service and installation of both hardware and software.
Computer Transition Services, Inc.
CTSI specializes in consulting, hardware and software installation, training and support.
Control Technologies, Inc.
Network solutions, and web site design and hosting.
Crystal Sports
Makers of sports related computer software.
Dorsett Computer Services, Inc.
Authorized dealer for RealWorld Accounting Software and Synchronics CounterPoint Software.
Municipal accounting software.
Jeff Barker Computer Service
Sales and service of computer hardware and software.
Kernow Internet Solutions
Specializing in internet connectivity and presence consulting and web design. Available for lectures and presentations.
Ki Corp Government Software Systems
Software systems and consultation solutions for government, law enforcement and criminal justice agencies.
Pforym Business Solutions Inc.
Customized business applications and database development.
Raider Technologies
Services include networking, computer and printer repair, cabling, and security. Also sells computers and printers.
Starnik Systems, Inc.
Complete networking, computer education and testing, and consulting services. Find services offered and contact information.
WesTech Vision Inc.
Website design and hosting.
Wired Brush
Experts in design, deployment and maintenance of web sites and communications networks.