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Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery
Specialists in all aspects of cosmetic and plastic surgery.
Alfonso Barrera, M.D.
Performs cosmetic and plastic surgery services including hair transplantation, facelifts, breast reduction, and laser skin resurfacing. Offers articles on procedures performed, before and after photos, and physician biography.
American Cosmetic Clinic
Offers a variety of cosmetic surgical procedures, seminars, and products. Offers staff and procedure information as well as before and after pictures.
Andrew T. Lyos, M.D.
Offers plastic surgery, body contouring, and laser surgery.
Dr Bailey Aesthetic Surgeon
Board certified plastic surgeon offering breast enlargements and reductions. Offers doctor biography and philosophy.
Dr Fortes Aesthetic Surgery
Board certified plastic surgeon providing liposuction, breast enlargement, facelift, and botox. Offers doctor biography and philosophy.
Dr. Bruce K. Smith
Cosmetic surgeon offers a variety of procedures including breast implants, eyelid, liposuction, chemical peels, and facial procedures.
Dr. David A. Lee, MD, FACS
Offers breast surgery, brow lift, eyelid surgery, face lift, liposuction and tummy tightening. Provides FAQ and procedure information.
Dr. David Altamira
Procedures such as facelift, rhinoplasty, Botox, and liposuction. Information on professional credentials and facial and body procedures.
Dr. Hector M. Viera
Offers face and eyelid surgery as well as ultrasonic liposuction. Provides doctor and procedure information.
Dr. Newall MD
Plastic surgeon offering liposuction, breast augmentation, and face lifts.
Dr. Patronella
Board certified surgeon providing liposuction breast augmentation and facelift in 2 Houston offices.
Triple board certified plastic surgeon. Offers result photos, philosophy, patient concerns, and location information.
Eisemann Cosmetic Day Surgery Center
Specializes in cosmetic and plastic surgery, rhinoplasty, breast enhancements, liposuction, facelifts and tummy tucks.
Breast surgery, facial surgery, tummy tightening and rhinoplasty procedures. Offers procedure gallery, FAQ, and testimonials.
Franklin A. Rose, MD
Specializes in facial and hand procedures, breast augmentation and reduction, and liposuction, including ultrasonic liposuction. Provides procedure information and testimonials.
Look Younger
Dr. Leo LaPuerta, Jr., specializing in reconstructive and cosmetic surgery. Office information, doctor background, services offered, and insurance forms.
Mark Gilliland, M.D., F.A.C.S., F.I.C.S.
Dr. Gilliland's focus in aesthetic plastic surgery involves facial rejuvenation and body contouring.
Mark Schusterman, MD
Breast work, facial, nasal surgery, and tummy tightening. Provides surgeon, staff, and procedure information.
Michael Ciaravino, M.D.
Board certified plastic surgeon. Offers information about procedures offered including before and after images.
Pars Plastic Surgery
Board certified plastic surgeon. Offers procedure and treatment information.
Thomas C. Wiener, M.D
Cosmetic and plastic surgery practice. Includes description of services and contact form.
Town & Country Plastic Surgery
Board certified plastic surgeon offers breast lift, implants, facial, and liposuction. Provides photo galleries.