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Cosmetic and Plastic
Aesthetic Center for Plastic Surgery, Alfonso Barrera, M.D., American Cosmetic Clinic, Andrew T. Lyos, M.D., Dr Bailey Aesthetic Surgeon, Dr Fortes Aesthetic Surgery, Dr. Bruce K. Smith, Dr. David A. Lee, MD, FACS, Dr. David Altamira, Dr. Hector M. Viera
Amer Zaheer
Services, office hours and list of insurance plans accepted.
America's Women Clinic
Specialized services for problem pregnancies, including abortion. Information on services, fees, and staff.
Arthur Hadley Medicine
Certified in Occupational Medicine and provides health evaluations for employees along with care for any work-related injuries or illnesses.
Bechara Y. Ghorayeb, MD
Houston doctor specializing in otolaryngology. Site contains patient education links and post-op instructions.
Bernard L. Rosenfeld, MD, PhD
Specializes in obstetrics, gynecology, and infertility. Includes profiles of the doctor and staff, directions, and contact details. Offers an article on pregnancy expectations and links.
Clearman Associates
Providing personal physicians, with details of services, staff and appointments.
Cy-Fair Surgery Center
Outpatient center. Site includes a directory of providers, patient information, and job opportunities.
David S. Ho, M.D., P.A.
Urologist serving the Houston southwest region. Offers doctor information, services, articles, clinical trials information, and educational videos.
Diagnostic Clinic of Houston
Internal Medicine subspecialty group located in the Texas Medical Center practicing traditional patient oriented medical care. The site also contains an expanding list of patient-oriented articles on medicine and diseases.
Dr Adam Naaman
Modern general surgery practice that specializes in laparoscopic gastric bypass. Provides doctor overview, FAQ, and procedure information.
Dr. Alexandra Simotas
Private obstetrics and gynecology practice at Cypress Fairbanks Medical Center.
Dr. Randy Birken
Gynecologist providing all services with a focus on urogynecology. Patient and practice information.
Foot Specialists of Memorial, Inc.
Podiatry clinic. Overview of services, location, hours and contact information.
Good Old Fashioned Family Doc Clinic
Dr. Margit Winstrom offers primary medical care, with insurance information, clinic details, and biography.
Greater Houston Anesthesiology
Provides a wide range of services which encompass adult and pediatric surgical procedures, as well as anesthesia and analgesia for labor and delivery. Offers general information and pre-registration forms.
Heights Audiology & Hearing
Hearing healthcare facility specializing in hearing aids and hearing loss.
Houston Hand and Upper Extremity Center
Orthopedic practice specializing in the diagnosis, treatment and reconstruction of hand, wrist, elbow, and shoulder problems. Offers facility information as well as physician profiles.
Houston Headache Clinic
Center offers diagnosis and management of headache problems. Provides service descriptions and staff information.
Houston Stereotactic Center
Providing neurosurgical patients with state-of-the-art computer guidance surgical systems for brain tumors, movement disorders, and minimally invasive operations.
Houston Women's Clinic
Provides pregnancy terminations, birth control, and contraceptive information .
Houstonian Medical Associates
Offers general examinations. Features services information and testimonials.
Katy West Houston OB/GYN Associates
Providing high quality obstetrical and gynecological care since 1981.
Male Reproductive Clinic
Information on male infertility, men's health issues, vasectomy, vasectomy reversals, the doctor and contact form.
Memorial Northwest Otolaryngology
Head and neck surgery practice, more frequently known as ear, nose and throat specialists. Offers doctor's information.
Memorial OB/GYN
All female, bilingual practice with branches in Memorial Hermann Northwest and Southwest hospitals. Includes insurance information, online scheduling, and links to health information.
Women's health and birth center.
Nerve and Muscle Center of Texas
Description of nerve and muscle diseases, treatment, testing, forum, Q&A, neurologist contact, and patient stories.
Northwest Surgery Center
Private outpatient surgery facility. Includes details about scheduling, what to expect before and after surgery, and patient rights.
Obstetrical and Gynecological Associates, PA
One of the largest and most technologically-advanced obstetrical and gynecological groups in the nation.
Otolaryngology Houston
Diseases and surgery of the ear nose and throat and numerous related surgical procedures, patient education links, and post-op instructions.
Pain Treatment Center
Two locations: Spring Branch Medical Center and the Katy Medical Center.
Payne Pediatric Associates
Professional pediatric practice.
Physician's Center for Weight Management
Offers nutritional counseling, behavioral and exercise therapy. Information on obesity and health risks.
Planned Parenthood Of Houston and Southeast Texas
Accurate information on reproductive health including birth control, abortion, sexuality education and public affairs. Sex Therapy. Includes a question and answer section.
Raza Pasha, MD
Specializes in ears, nose, throat, as well as head and neck surgery. Offers a description of services and testimonials.
River Oaks Neurology
Provides adult neurology services, treating conditions such as dementia, tremor, headache, pain, stroke, and multiple sclerosis.
Salem Oncology Centre
Multi-cultural private cancer medicine facility located in the Texas Medical Center in Houston.
Sheila Werch Jacobson, MD
Provides adult neurological services. Offers physician information, services, and informational RealVideo clips.
SurgiCare, Inc.
Group of physicians who have banded together with a management team to help physicians create, maintain, and increase the value of their ambulatory surgical centers.
Suzanne Bruce and Associates
Medical and cosmetic dermatology clinic.
The Hyperhidrosis Center
Clinic provides videoscopic treatments for hyperhidrosis, hand sweat, and excessive perspiration. Offers doctor and condition information as well as an online questionnaire.
TIRR Systems
Known for innovative procedures for treating catastrophic injuries and for its many outpatient therapy programs.
Ulla-Britt Larka, DPM
Podiatry clinic. Overview of services, location, hours and contact information.
UT Physicians
The physicians at UT-Houston Medical School provide comprehensive, multi-specialty care for the entire family.
Walker Hearing Aid Centers
Hearing aids sales and service. Provides hearing related articles and staff information.
West Houston Fertility Center, Ltd.
Urology laboratory services in the West Houston community. Offers staff, service, and event information as well as clinical trials and videos.
Workers Healthcare Clinics
Pain evaluation and management. Information on physical therapy, surgery and other treatment programs, and clinic locations.