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Avondale House
Non-profit organization providing day school education, residential care, and day-habilitation programs for individuals with autism and other pervasive developmental disorders.
Barbara Tolle Cavanaugh LMSW-ACP
Provides individual, family, group, and marriage counseling to help resolve emotional stresses and relationship problems.
Center for Anger Resolution
Offers information about the center, its programs, and professional certification as well as newsletters and an overview of the book "Anger Busting 101".
Children Cope with Divorce
Non-profit group that educates parents and family members to help their children adjust and manage the additional tasks imposed by divorce. Includes course objectives and registration.
Clinic for Adult Attention Problems
Offers comprehensive neuropsychological assessment and treatment for Adult ADD/ADHD and related disorders.
Counseling Houston.com
Offers counseling, telephone, and online therapy for a variety of people and concerns. Features service information and therapist biography.
David Hopkinson, Ph.D., P.C.
Services include hypnosis and help for individuals and couples suffering from depression, anxiety, trauma, addictions, low self-esteem, grief, and relationship problems.
DebLin Health Concepts
Provides mental health clinical and consultative services in traditional and non-traditional settings.
Get Psyched
Offers counseling for couples, families, individuals, as well as sports psychology and sexual dysfunction education.
Harris County Psychiatric Center
Provides diagnosis, treatment, and information on mental health, including Alzheimer's, manic depression, teenage suicide, bipolar disorder, and mental illness.
Heritage Behavioral Health Consultants
Provides services related to therapy, education, and psychological assessments.
Houston Psychotherapy
Jungian oriented depth psychotherapy and counseling by Houston psychotherapist, Anna P. Guerra, JD,MA,LPC.
Four psychologists offering an alternative to managed care. Learn about the doctors, their practice and philosophy, and review their resources.
Inner Source Counseling
Provides individual and couples psychotherapy and counseling services.
Laurie Baldwin, Ph.D.
Information, resources, and screening questionnaires for adults and children who may need help overcoming depression, anxiety, attention deficit (ADD), superwomen syndrome, eating disorders, low sexual energy/desire, and relationship problems.
Lesajean M. Jennings, Psy.D. and Associates
A private practice of clinical psychology in Houston, Texas. The owner and senior clinician is licensed and is an African-American female.
MedLabs Research of Houston
Offers psychiatric programs for inpatient treatment and partial hospitalization.
Menninger Clinic
Specialty psychiatric and behavioral hospital offering diagnostic and treatment programs for adolescents and adults. Extensive information about services and research activities. Formerly located in Topeka, Kansas.
Mental Health Association of Greater Houston
Provides information and referrals for non-profit mental health services.
Myopathy and Neuropathy Support Group
Supports people directly or indirectly affected by Myopathic or Neuropathic diseases. This site facilitates education and the sharing of information related to these diseases.
Robyn Arouty, MS, LPC
Montrose area psychotherapist and mediator who specializes in life coaching for adults and teens.
Texas Resource for Early Autism Treatment
Provides intensive applied behavior analysis treatment to young children diagnosed with autistic spectrum disorders who live in the greater Houston metropolitan area.
The Center for Postpartum Family Health
Services include counseling and education for perinatal mood disorders including postpartum depression and anxiety.
The Samaritan Center
Provides services and counseling, preventive mental health and educational programs, and pastoral and medical consultation.
Tony Carroll - Houston Therapist
Provides psychotherapy services for individuals, couples and groups, including services for gay and lesbian individuals and couples.
TrueSelf Transitions
Offers comprehensive treatment of sexual addictions, codependency, love/relationship addiction, childhood abuse, and family or origin work.