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American Thyroid Clinic
Offers care of all surgical cancers of the head and neck including Thyroid cancer. Offers center history, information on oral, head, and neck cancer, and Thyroid cancer FAQ.
Baylor College of Medicine: Breast Center
The Breast Center at Baylor College of Medicine's goal is to improve the diagnosis and treatment of women with breast cancer through clinical care, basic, translational, and clinical research, as well as education of physicians, laboratory scientists.
Burzynski Clinic
Dr. Burzynski and his associates treat many types of cancer. Offers clinic overview, FAQ, physician and staff information.
Burzynski Patient Group
Cancer support group with news, statistics, and patient stories.
CanCare of Houston, Inc.
A non-profit cancer support network with a mission to improve the quality of life for cancer survivors and their families.
Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Foundation
Funding research directed to finding a cure for chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Offers news, donation opportunities, and project information.
Kimberly Patterson Leukemia Research Fund
Tribute to a lukemia victim and information about a charitable fund established in her honor. Associated with the MD Anderson Cancer Center.
M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
One of the nation's top cancer research centers, this site offers numerous resources on cancer prevention, diagnosis, and care. Information for new patients and their families, including what to expect, hospital maps, parking, transportation and lodging.
Texas Cancer Institute
Part of St. Luke's Episcopal Hospital, offering a full range of comprehensive and integrated cancer treatment and research programs.
Texas Children's Cancer Center and Hematology
Offers innovative therapies for all forms of childhood cancer and blood disorders. Includes listing of doctors and facility descriptions.
US Oncology
Health care network dedicated exclusively to cancer treatment and research. Provides photo library and resources, company information, and official media.
Western Radiation Oncology Associates
Cancer treatment center.