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Braeswood Personal Care Home
Assisted living facility for older adults and frail elderly. States resident eligibility and location information.
Brazos Presbyterian Homes, Inc.
Independent living, assisted living and skilled nursing care. Site includes floor plans, services, activities and amenities, and contact information.
Care Solutions Assisted Living Home
Offers a brief facility overview and contact information.
Josephine's Personal Care Home
Southwest Houston licensed assisted living facility in a home setting.
Nissi Care Homes
Licensed as assisted living/residential care, Small Type B, with personalized care, meals, and laundry and maid services. Information on services and photos tours of two Houston locations.
Quality Living Personal Care
Southwest residentaial care homes for the elderly and mentally disabled. Offers an online tour of the facility and a description of services.
Roomes Personal Care
Offers full time care, respite and adult day care. Includes list of services and contact information.
Smith's Anchor
Residential assisted living and personal care home for seniors. Offers facility information and map.
Treemont of Houston
Retirement and assisted living community specializing in respite, long term care, and senior independent living.