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Addicks Chiropractic Health Center, Biddison Chiropractic Center, Body Integrations Chiropractic, Center for Optimum Wellness, Dr. Karen S. Thomason, Hassebrock Chiropractic, Hogan Chiropractic, Innate Chiropractic Healing Arts Center, JDH Chiropractic, Westbury Chiropractic Clinic
Massage Therapy and Bodywork
A. S. Physiques, AcuTech Massage Therapy School, Body Alive!, Envision Massage and Well-Being Center, European Institute for Massage Therapy, F and J Fitness, FennTerra and The Center for NeuroMuscular Health, Greenway Therapeutic Massage, Gregg Hill's Japanese Massage and Asian Bodyw, Hands & Heart Massage Therapy
Acupuncture Herbal Wellness Center
Offers Acupuncture, herbal, and children?s Tuina treatments.
Ashkee Tsouras
Ter-Mai Master Reiki practitioner. Includes biography, lineage, and newsletter.
Bikram Yoga Houston
Yoga college. Includes schedule, fees, directions, and background information about group Bikram yoga classes.
Biomedecine Research
David Bauman ND gives internet consults.
Chen, Mary
Licensed Acupuncturist.
CranioSacral Therapy
Practitioner Simona Glekel provides information for potential clients.
Creative Manifesting
Offers spiritual based Creative Life coaching. Provides articles, newsletter, and resources for singles.
Gilbert Manso, M.D.
Practices alternative holistic medicine at the Whole Health Center.
Healing Touch
Certified practitioner, Mary Somano offers holistic healing and counseling using magnetic products, nutritionals and the Bach Flower remedies.
Heidi's Acupuncture Therapy Clinic
Licensed acupuncturist. Map to location and testimonials.
Hotze Health & Wellness Center
Discusses various progams of treatment available.
Certified hypnotist in the Galleria and West University. Offers hypnosis information, event schedule, and related articles.
Longevity Centre of Houston
Offers treatments in anti-aging and skin care.
Odyssey to Wholeness
Services include dynamic forms of brief therapy integrating spirituality, energy work, and psychotherapy.
Tejas Ashtanga Yoga
Offers daily classes for beginner to advanced skill levels.
The Ayurvedic Center
Offers information on herbs, nutrition, massage, astrology, polarity therapy, and postural integration.
The Enhancement Institute
Offers a transpersonal approach oriented toward growth and development in addition to resolution of dysfunctional patterns.