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Alain and Marie Lenotre Culinary Institute
Provides French chef training and continuing education in culinary arts through intensive hands on classes. Includes program, admission, and alumni information as well as recipe of the month and newsletter. [English, Francais, Espanol]
American College of Acupuncture and Oriental Medic
Offers Master of Science in Oriental Medicine.
Class A Commercial Drivers License Service
Services, classes and contact information.
Duncan Macy
Trains students in information technology. Provides course descriptions and contact data.
Latino Learning Center, Inc
Provides educational and human support services to low-income clients with emphasis in technology and vocational training.
College of business and technology.
Muslim Institute of Houston
Provides education in an Islamic environment. Discusses faculty, courses, schedules and admissions.
School of Automotive Machinists
Learn how to build engines. Catalog, news, alumni area, projects and related links.
The Academy of Health Care Professions
Trains technologists in areas like x-ray, ultrasound, dental, phlebotomy, lab assisting, record billing and coding. Find details about the academy, its programs, admissions, and contact information.
The Art Institute of Houston
Trains students in animation art and design, culinary arts, graphic design, interior design, multimedia and web design, and restaurant and catering management. Offers curriculum and admissions information as well as news and an event calendar.
The Lighthouse of Houston
Offers vocational evaluation, education programs, computer/technology training, and job placement assistance for the blind and visually impaired.
USA Houston School of Real Estate
Offers real estate courses, online class schedules and requirements for salesperson and broker licensing, and continuing education.