english deutsch
Apex Driving School, Billye Bowman Defensive Driving, Comedy Offensive Driving
Be Bilingual
Offers lessons, instruction and translation in Spanish, English, Portuguese, and Russian.
Bilingual Education Institute
Offers English as a Second Language programs as well as training for other language-related careers.
Children's School of Art Houston
Fun, meaningful and developmentally appropriate arts experiences. Class schedule and photo gallery.
David B. Browning
English and Spanish tutor.
English Language Specialists, Inc
Provides instruction in English as a second language. Offerings include instruction for those wanting to improve their communication skills, those wanting to attend a university or college in the United States, and those planning to use English in a work environment within or outside of the United States.
Gonzales School of Languages
Intensive Spanish lessons, classes, tapes, translations and education.
Language Direct
Proudly serving the greater Houston area, providing corporate language classes and cross-cultural training.
New Horizons Computer Learning Center
Offers technical and desktop application training. Provides course selection and information.
Rice - English as a Second Language
Program designed for non-native speakers who wish to further their knowledge and skills in the English language.
Rice University Foreign Language Program
Offers non-credit classes in Spanish, French, Italian, German, Arabic, Mandarin Chinese, Japanese and Russian. The small group classes, averaging eight students per class, are designed primarily to develop conversational skills.
Texas Server Certification
Offers TABC certification classes.
The Learning Institute of Texas
Specializes in ESL classes for F-1 students. Course schedule, tuition and fees, and registration information.
World Educational Resources
Non-profit organization that provides free or low cost child care and safety education and training.