english deutsch
Alexander-Smith Academy
A fully accredited co-educational day college-preparatory high school that stresses academics and individual instruction.
Annunciation Orthodox School
A collection of facts about the school, admissions, administration, and faculty.
Awty International School
Private high school for the education of American children and the children of expatriate French personnel working in America.
Baptist Temple School
Teaches kindergarten through fifth grade students.
Beth Yeshurun Day School
Teaches kindergarten through fifth grade students.
BusiBodies Academy
PreK - 2nd grade. Information on classes, meals, special events, and summer programs.
Cypress Community Christian School
Non-denominational independent K-12 Christian school.
Duchesne Academy of the Sacred Heart
A private, Catholic, pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade college preparatory school for girls.
Episcopal High School
College preparatory high school.
Grace School
A non-denominational, private school serving families of all faiths, it is an outreach of Grace Presbyterian Church. Includes admission and contact information.
Harmony Science Academy
Grades 6-10. Information for students and parents, such as school calendar, test results, and supply list, with online application.
Houston Area Independent Schools
Non-profit professional association of member schools representing a complete range of educational opportunities for students in preschool through grade 12.
Houston Christian High School
College preparatory school. Offers school and admissions information, calendar of events, and newsletter.
Houston Preparatory Academy
Provides a private, educational alternative for low-to-moderate income students and create a positive complement and enhancement to existing local public and private schools.
Houston's First Baptist Academy
Located in Northwest Houston serving kindergarten to eighth grade. Offers school and admission information, calendar of events, athletics section, and student handbook.
Iman Academy
Provides children with an Islamic environment where they can learn basic principles, including basic communication skills in both English and Arabic. Information on organizational structure and curriculum, with class photos.
Incarnate Word Academy
9-12th Grades. A Catholic high school for girls.
Little Red Schoolhouse and Redbridge Middle School
Private school which provides Montessori education for children 18 months to third grade and traditional education for fourth through eighth grade.
Lutheran Education Association of Houston
Site for two private schools in Houston: Lutheran High North and Lutheran South Academy.
Memorial Christian Academy and Preschool
PreK-6th grade. Christian learning environment. Information on class, registration, and after-school and summer programs.
Memorial Lutheran School
Lutheran school with programs for three-year old preschool through eighth grade.
Montessori School of Downtown
Offering education in the downtown area.
Northeast Christian Academy
An independent, co-educational, college-preparatory school for pre-kindergarten through grade 12 students.
Northland Christian School
Private Christian school in northwest Houston, Texas. Offers early childhood, elementary, intermediate, secondary education and home school programs.
Northwoods Catholic School
Catholic school for grades pre-K through six in the North Houston area. Offers admissions information and a calendar of events.
Pilgrim Lutheran School and Child Development Cent
PreK-8th grade. Includes academic program, staff profile, mission and ministry statements, facilities, accreditation, extra-curricular activities and events, location, and contacts.
Presbyterian School
Independent day school enrolling children of all faiths from the entry level Alpha Class (two year olds) through fifth grade. The middle school, grades 5-8, will open in August 2000.
Private Schools and Enrichment Programs
Source for parents and individuals that are searching for information about private schools, after school activities, specialist, camps, and child care.
Red Apple
Private school and childcare for toddlers through 1st grade. Includes programs and contact information.
River Oaks Baptist School
Teaches grades K-8.
River Oaks Montessori School
A Pre-K to Kindergarten private school for children following the practices of Maria Montessori. Includes directions and contact information.
Robert M. Beren Hebrew Academy
Includes contact information, faculty, educational information, and halacha of the week.
Saint Agnes Academy
A Catholic college preparatory school for young women.
Second Baptist School
Pre-K through grade 12 private Baptist school.
St Elizabeth's Educational Day-Out Services (
Christian pre-school which provides a developmentally appropriate day out program for children ages 20 months through 5 years. Information on schedule and classes, with activity resources for parents.
St. Anne Catholic School
Private school teaching students from pre-kindergarten to grade 8.
St. Francis Episcopal Day School
Teaching grades pre-K through 8.
St. John's School
Coed college-preparatory school for grades K through 12 located in Houston, TX.
St. Mark's Episcopal School
Christian education for students in grades pre-k through 8th.
St. Pius X High School
A co-educational, comprehensive, Catholic high school.
St. Vincent de Paul School
Catholic school teaching pre-kindergarten through eighth grade.
St.Thomas' Episcopal School
Private parochial school offering a college preparatory curriculum to students from kindergarten through high school.
Strake Jesuit College Preparatory School
9-12th Grades. A Catholic Jesuit school for boys.
The Banff School
Offers a private, college preparatory education for preschool through high school students.
The Briarwood School
Serves the educational needs of children with learning differences and developmental delays, kindergarten through grade 12.
The John Cooper School
North Houston's only independent, nonsectarian, college preparatory school spanning grades K through 12.
The Kinkaid School
A non-sectarian college preparatory day school enrolling a total of 1,280 boys and girls in grades prekindergarten through twelve.
The Monarch School
Currently serves children from kindergarten through 8th grade. A high school program will be introduced in the 2000-2001 school year.
The Parish School
Committed to providing a total educational experience for children ages 18 months through the third grade.
The Post Oak School
Montessori school for grades K-8.
The Regis School of the Sacred Heart
A Catholic school for boys 3 Pre-K-8th grade whose educational aspirations will lead them to college preparatory high schools appropriate to their abilities.
The Village School
K4-8th grade. Programs, map, facilities, special events, and staff and faculty directory.
Trafton Academy
A private nonparochial school for children in grades four through eight.
Westbury Christian School
Serves grades K-12. Details about the school, faculty, activities and events, contact information, and resources for parents and their kids.