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Houston Academy of Medicine - Texas Medical Center
Central library serving all of the Texas Medical Center.
Kingwood College
A publicly-supported, two-year, comprehensive community college district which offers post-secondary educational opportunities to northern metropolitan Houston in Harris and Montgomery counties.
Lee Community College
A two-year community college whose primary campus is located in Baytown, Texas, 20 miles east of Houston.
Leisure Learning Unlimited, Inc.
Provides continuing education classes. Class schedules and enrollment information.
Montgomery Community College
Two-year postsecondary college located in Conroe, Texas.
San Jacinto College District
A comprehensive, public, two-year community college that serves east Harris County. Campuses are located in Houston and Pasadena, Texas.
Texas A&M Institute of Biosciences and Technol
Undertakes creative research on molecular aspects of agriculture and medicine, provides a forum for the exchange of ideas between the agricultural and medical communities, and encourages the technology transfer of agricultural and medical discoveries from the laboratory to the marketplace.
Texas Women's University Institute of Health
Offers bachelors, masters and doctoral studies in nursing, physical therapy, occupational therapy, nutrition and health care administration.
The Center for Theological Studies
Calendar of courses and special events.
Tomball Community College
A comprehensive community college located conveniently in Tomball, Texas. Campus offerings include traditional academic transfer, occupational programs, workforce training and community education.