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Andrew Leonard
Family law attorney whose focus is on negotiating settlements to avoid trial costs and stress.
Conner & Lindamood, P.C.
Practice focuses on family law and divorce matters.
Danita L. Handlin
Provides information about divorce, mediation, child custody, support, property division, domestic violence, and the family courts in Houston.
David W. Eckman
Offers faith-based family law services.
Dessiray W. Cusic
Profile and contact information.
Fabio & Merrill
Probate lawyers specializing in estate planning law, estate administration, trusts, powers of attorney, wills, will contests, tax planning, estate claims and distribution of assets.
John Nichols
Specializes in state, national and international family law, divorce, child custody, child support, and adoption cases. Provides company information, FAQs, and publications.
Law Office of Marilyn Gale Vilyus
Houston lawyer and mediator handling family law issues such as divorce, child and spousal support, custody and visitation.
Lisa M. VanAuken
Focuses on family law and related issues.
Liza A. Greene
Family law attorney.
Myres, Dale & Associates, P.C.
Offers services for all aspects of family law.
Osagiede & Associates
Practicing divorce and family law, immigration, personal injury, criminal defense and wills and probate law.
Proffitt Law Firm
Specializes in divorce, custody rights, and child support litigation.
Scott Morgan
Overview, FAQ, and questionnaire.
Sondra Kaighen & Associates
Family law attorney handling divorce, child custody, spousal support, paternity, adoption, parental rights, conservatorship and all other family litigation cases.
The Royalls, P.C.
Provides adoption and collaborative law information, FAQs, and company overview.
Wagner Law Firm
Specializes in family law.
Wilfried P. Schmitz & Associates, P.C.
Practices family law and estate planning.