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Barnet Law Offices
Specializes in DWI related offenses as well as misdemeanor and felony criminal law.
Bennett & Bennett
Offers defense services in state and federal court.
Brett A. Podolsky, Attorney At Law
Provides felony and misdemeanor defense of all criminal charges. Offers service information and links.
Charles G. Kingsbury
Attorney specializing in driving while intoxicated cases.
Charles Johnson Lawfirm
Full service firm specializing in criminal defense with an emphasis on drug crimes, driving while intoxicated, assaultive offenses, and homicide.
David Breston
Focuses on Criminal Defense and Immigration Law cases. Overview, FAQs, and attorney biographies.
Douglas G. Rankin
Emphasizes drunk driving defense.
Douglas McNabb
Defends businesses and individuals who are charged by the United States government with having committed a federal crime. Offers credentials and contact information.
Edward D. Urquhart
Focuses on tax and financial crimes. Attorney profile, sample cases, and articles.
Guy L. Womack
Private practice focuses on defending felonies in federal, state, and military courts.
Helen Simotas
Provides services for all felonies and misdemeanors in state and federal courts.
Hinton Sussman Bailey & Davidson, L.L.P.
Representing individuals, corporations, and government entities in criminally-related matters with an emphasis on white collar crime. Offers firm and contact information.
James Randall Smith
Specializes in helping with parole from prison. Offers parole package information and discussion forum.
Jim Barkley
Former Harris County Criminal Court Judge offering criminal defense services.
Jim Medley & Associates, P.C.
Specializes in DWI/DUI, assault, burglary, auto theft, credit card abuse, domestic violence, and possession of marijuana matters. Includes newsletter and attorney profile.
Jonathan J. Paull, Criminal Attorney
Areas of practice, attorney biography, FAQ, and list of cases won. Includes information on DWI situations.
Law Offices of Thomas A. Martin
Services include family law, criminal defense and commercial law. Includes information on selecting an attorney.
Mike Carnahan
Services for criminal defense, probation revocation and grand jury representation.
Philip H. Hilder and Associates
Overview, FAQ, and attorney biography.
Ron Johnson
Criminal defense attorney.
Ronald J. Waska
Specializes in federal white collar crimes including business fraud, embezzlement, theft, racketeering, conspiracy, class action, contract, and securities cases.
Steven J. Rozan & Associates
Criminal defense firm offering representation in state and federal court.
Trichter, Murphy & Overstreet, P.C.
Specializes in alcohol-related criminal offenses. Overview, attorney biographies, and articles.
Tyler Flood & Associates
Trial lawyer specializing in DWI cases.