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Balcom Law Firm
Specializes in real estate and lenders services. Offers firm overview and staff information.
Benjamin C. Wilson
Practices business and commercial law, business organizations, litigation and appeals, as well as probate and estate administration.
Boyar and Miller
Services include corporate, real estate, and business litigation.
Brown Sims, P.C.
Offers defense services for injury, workers' compensation, property damage, commercial, professional, and product liability, and counsel for maritime, transportation, energy, and general corporate matters.
Douglas M. McIntyre & Associates
Business law attorney handing civil litigation matters including acquisitions and mergers, collections, and oil and gas disputes. Information on firm, attorneys, and fees.
Gunn & Mullins, L.L.P.
Represents clients in general business matters, including technical/intellectual property transactions, real estate and financing transactions, corporate and commercial law, and labor and employment law.
James M. Bright & Associates
Civil litigation firm with practice areas including commercial collections, construction disputes, and business litigation.
Johnson, Finkel, Deluca & Kennedy
Business and civil litigation firm.
Kelly, Sutter & Kendrick
Emphasizing commercial, defense, and insurance litigation.
Michael S. Burg
Firm offering services for small businesses, including mergers and acquisitions, contracts, business litigation, and bankruptcy.
Ogden, Gibson, White, Broocks & Longoria
Business trial lawyers specializing in media law, employment law, securities law, energy and premises liability.
Phillips & Akers
Concentrating in business litigation. Includes attorney profiles and areas of practice.
Schirrmeister Diaz-Arrastia, LLP
Provides legal services for matters including antitrust, appeals, environmental, intellectual property, and securities litigation.
Scott & Mayo
Practices in the areas of tort litigation, including personal injury litigation, toxic tort, insurance defense, commercial cases and employment law.
Sonfield & Sonfield
Focuses primarily on finance and related legal issues.
Stephenson & Snokhous
Represents business clients in complex transactions including mergers, acquisitions, securities, tax and real estate matters.
William F. Harmeyer & Associates
Focuses on business organization, transactions and litigation, immigration, and estate planning.
Zukowski & Bresenhan, LLP
Business-oriented law firm.