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Alex Wathen
Information on foreclosures, repossesions, and side by side comparison of Chapters 7, 11, 12, and 13.
Christian M. Sternat
Houston bankruptcy lawyer represents debtors and creditors in chapter 7, chapter 9, chapter 7, chapter 12 and chapter 13 bankruptcy proceedings.
David W. Barry
Specializes in bankruptcy law. Overview and attorney biographies.
J. Thomas Black
Profile, bankruptcy questionnaire, and contact information.
James Patrick Brady
Specializing in Texas business reorganization and debt restructuring cases. Offers FAQ and attorney profile.
Law Offices of J. Mark Davis
Business, bankruptcy and estate-planning attorney. Offers client questionnaires and firm profile.
Marjorie Payne Britt, PC
Offers services for individuals and small businesses.
Michael J. Pledger
Profile, FAQ, bankruptcy questionnaire, and contact information.
Sharp & Guillams
Overview, Bankruptcy FAQ, and contact information.
Terrance P. Baggott
Specializes in bankruptcy law. Overview, FAQ, and contact information.
The Fealy Law Firm
Board certified in Consumer Bankruptcy Law. Offers descriptions of different forms of bankruptcy.
The Law Offices of Delilah Hanberry, P.L.L.C.
Specializes in personal bankruptcy.
Weber Law Firm
Represents debtors and creditors in bankruptcy filings and litigation. Contains office hours, contacts, resume and debtor information.