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Access MIS Inc.
Provides personnel services throughout mid-America.
Aicron Resume Services
Resume services offered by a Certified Professional Resume Writer, including targeted lists and resume distribution to individual companies, recruiters, and venture capital firms.
Alexander Personnel
Placement company specializing in a wide range of jobs including clerical, administrative, and engineering. Offers job listings, contact information, and interview tips.
ATP Personnel
Specializes in administrative, technical, and professional temporary and full-time positions.
Recruiting firm specializing in the placement of technical professionals on a contract basis.
Berry Healthcare Services, LP
Provides nursing and staffing services including temporary, contract, per diem, and private duty nurses. Offers FAQ and a description of services.
Carlson Company
Provides contract and permanent jobs for IT professionals.
Carreers in Houston
Offers free job postings and listings.
Certified Companies
Specializes in information technology, staffing accounting, financing, and administrative personnel.
City of Houston - Employment
Employment opportunities available are listed by job category and posting date, beginning with the most recent.
Clayton Personnel
Specializes in office clerical, secretarial, administrative, accounting and customer service personnel. Provides temporary, temp-to-hire and direct hire.
Computer Staff Recruiters (CSR)
Specializes in information technology positions through direct full-time placements, contract placements, and temp-to-hire placements.
Corbett Personnel Services
A full-service temporary, temp-to-hire, and full time staffing service.
Data Staffing Center
Recruits highly technical specialists to entry level positions.
Donovan and Watkins Personnel
Specializing in employment and job placement for legal, secretarial, administrative, financial, and accounting professionals.
Specializes in engineering, architectural and construction. Includes contact information, job listings, and services for clients, candidates, and recruiters.
Dunhill Professional Search of Houston NW
A contingency search firm specializing in accounting, finance, engineering and technical jobs.
Exalt Management
Specializing in engineering, technical and technical sales jobs in the energy and oil & gas industries.
G.A.S. Unlimited
Suppliers of contract technical professionals.
Harrison Personnel
Placement agency specializing in health care, information technology, and property management. Offers resume and interview tips.
Houston Airport System Employment Opportunities
Call the job hotline or browse the online listings.
Houston Area Hospital Nurse Staffing Agency
Providing nursing needs in the Houston and surrounding areas. Includes temporary, contract, and private duty nurses.
Houston Employment.com
Offers placement services for employers and job-seekers. Provides testimonials, profiles, and job listings.
Houston Job Search
Houston employment agency with information on sample resumes, interview question techniques, and example resignation letters.
Houston Jobs
Matches employers with potential employees in the Houston area.
InfoTEAM, Inc.
Features a search engine of high tech jobs and résumés relevant to the Houston area.
Jefferson Associates
Provides information technology staffing and business solution services to the public sector and various commercial enterprises.
Jobline of Houston
An automated telephone service as well as a web page designed to advertise local and regional job postings.
Jobs at UTHSC-H
The University of Texas-Houston Health Science Center is an institution comprising schools of the health sciences.
Current job listings in employment magazine and on web site.
Kane and Associates
Specializes in placing professionals in financial fields.
Lang Investigations
Investigates worker's compensation history and criminal records.
Leigh Personnel
Offers temporary, contract, and permanent positions.
Liberty IT
Contract, contract to hire, and direct hire staffing solutions.
Library Employment Opportunities
Houston Public Library's job openings. Download an application.
LPC Personnel
Personnel agency offering professional and clerical positions.
Management Recruiters of Champions
A search, recruitment, and staffing company.
New Resources
Full services staffing agency including executive search, recruiting, and temporary employment.
Park West Staffing
Temporary and temp-to-hire positions in construction, call center, and office staffing.
Programming and Systems Development, LLC
An IT staffing agency, both contract and permanent.
Quest Personnel Resources
Full-time and temporary staffing for administrative, legal support and paralegal positions.
Recruiting Solutions Group, Inc.
Firm specializing in placement of secretarial, administrative, legal, financial, accounting and human resource professionals.
Rice University Employment Office
Job openings with descriptions, downloadable application, and details about benefits.
Richard, Wayne & Roberts
Thousands of jobs available for executives in various industries. Interviewing tips and help for companies and candidates available online.
River Oaks Staffing, Inc.
Specializes in providing placement of permanent or temporary "high-end" administrative assistants for the selective CEO.
S&S Professional Services, LLC
Scientific staffing agency specializing in matching qualified scientists and technicians in Houston area laboratories.
Sales Consultants of Houston
Specializes in job and career placement of executive professional personnel in sales and marketing.
Scientific Placement, Inc.
Specializing in the recruitment of software and hardware development engineers in the microcomputer and commercial software industries.
Search Consultants International, Inc.
Guarantees that they can reduce a company's time to hire dramatically.
Six Flags AstroWorld Employment
Describes positions, gives contact information, and has a place for online applications.
Southwest Design Services, Inc.
Specializing in architecture and engineering. Offers job listings, resume tips, and contact information.
Agency listing accounting and finance jobs with Big 5 for Houston professionals.
The Leslie Corporation
International and domestic recruitment services.
The Whitaker Companies
Offers temporary, permanent, and consulting staffing solutions for a broad range of organizations across the United States.
Toyota Techs
Automobile technician job bank.
TPI Staffing Inc.
A full service staffing company specializing in IT, administrative, accounting, professional and technical placements. ?.
University of Houston Job Bulletin
Lists the available non-faculty, non-research benefits eligible staff positions at the University of Houston and UH System.
Uptown Recruiting, Inc.
Temporary and permanent staffing for successful, well known businesses in and around the Houston area.