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Aaron Carter Electric
Offers specialized electrical contracting as well as data and voice cabling installation and testing services.
Custom Electrical Services
System design, installation and maintenance of telecom sites, commercial electrical and electrical maintenance.
Harmony Electric Co.
Professional electrical contractors specializing in both residential and commercial repairs.
Highlights Electrical
Electrical contracting company specializing in commercial lighting maintenance, electrical service construction, and pole manufacturing. Includes credentials and client list.
Houston Electrical League
Organization established in 1965 for the purpose of uniting the members of the electrical trade into an organization which could promote the industry and influence its direction.
Houston Electrician
Electrical contracting company serving Houston and Harris County for Over 15 Years.
Independent Electrical Contractors
Contains press releases, contacts and membership information.
Light-Tech Inc. Lighting Consultants Houston, TX
Electrical contractor and lighting consultant.
Lindsey Electric Inc.
Offer all phases of commercial electrical work 24 Hours/7 Days.
M & J Electrical Surplus
Supplier for new, used, and reconditioned electrical equipment.
Mid-West Electric Co.
Offers 24 hour emergency response services for all manufacturing, processing, and industrial electrical work.