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CDA+ Carter Design Associates
Architecture and interior design firm specializing in healthcare projects. Features company information and project portfolio.
Charles Todd Helton, Architect
A full service architectural firm, specializing in residential, commercial and religious architecture.
Offers civil, structural, environmental, and transportation engineering consultation for industry, government, and private development. Headquarters in Houston. Provides corporate profile, information on locations, areas of practice, and employment opportunities.
HVJ Associates, Inc.
Provides geotechnical engineering services. Provides list of services, project, and contact information.
Infrastructure Associates
Provides engineering design and construction observation services to private and governmental clients. Offers company, staff, project, and client information.
Intexure Architects
Architecture firm specializing in both residential and commercial projects with a focus on contemporary design.
Klotz Associates, Inc.
Consulting engineers. Offers service descriptions, project, and employment information.
Othon, Inc.
Consulting engineering firm specializing in civil and structural engineering, transportation, environmental/ecological studies, and construction management. Offers service descriptions, project list, and employment opportunities.
Stern and Bucek Architects
Houston-based full service architecture firm.
The Office of James Burnett
Landscape architecture firm specializing in healthcare projects. Features design approach and philosophy information, job opportunities, and client list.
The Stor-Con Company, Inc.
Industrial detailing firm serving the pre-engineered and structural industries. Includes company history and descriptions of projects.
Thompson-Frater Architects
Firm is located in the Houston Heights. Specializing in historic renovation.
Traffic Engineers, Inc.
Provides expertise in every phase of transportation engineering to public agencies and private companies.
Wylie and Associates
Houston, Texas mechanical, electrical and plumbing consulting engineering firm with experience in a variety of project types. Includes contact information, list of services, and projects.