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917 Media
Offers full service web design including 3D animation.
A Design Studio
A full service Internet agency specializing in E-Commerce solutions.
About E Choices
Provides web site and graphics design services. Offers portfolio, information of technology utilized, and an overview of services.
Advanced Web Site Publishing
Provides custom web development, management, and consulting.
Alexander Internet Services
Design and develop Texas web sites.
All Day Web Design
Offers affordable web design, e-commerce, shopping cart, and multimedia for small and medium sized businesses.
Offers web design, logo design and other marketing services.
AMA Interactive
Offers web design and search engine optimization.
Amerigo Solutions
Professional website design and marketing.
Amy Baldwin Designs
Freelance web and graphic designer. Offers portfolio and resume.
Anabasis Solutions
Offers web design and web application development services.
AROD Web Solutions
Offers hosting plus web and graphic design services. Includes a portfolio.
Around Houston
A directory of Houston area web-sites also specializing in web design, hosting, E-commerce, and site promotion.
Ars Graphica
Full service graphic design firm.
Astonish Designs
Offers web design and hosting.
B. Unlimited Group
Web site design, development, marketing, promotion and hosting. Databases and e-commerce sites. Clients locally or nationwide.
Barracuda Productions
Offers web design and graphic design.
Bayou City
Offers website design, promotion, hosting and e-commerce merchant solutions to the business community.
Offers small business website design services.
Beacon Interactive, Inc.
Web design and development, multimedia, database integration, consultation, graphics, Flash, e-commerce, and computer software.
Easily create and design a professional interactive web presence using our online tools. Easy and affordable hosting and web design solution.
Blue Fondue
Full service web design firm, also does graphic design and package design. Includes samples of work and links to major clients.
Bob Schell
Offers web design and graphic design.
Brendan Holder Web Design
Offers web design and development. Includes a listing of credentials, and a large portfolio of past work.
Builders Communications
Web design firm specializing in home building and developer industries. Interactive sites, databases, intranets and AutoCAD renderings.
Burke Creative
Offers web design, hosting and search engine optimization.
Offers web site hosting, design, development, and search engine optimization.
A web and graphic design studio offers logos, brochures, flash design, commercial art, and website design.
Christopher Gonzalez
Offers web design, Flash animation and graphic design. Includes examples of past work.
Clear Span Media
Media design firm offering full service marketing, web design and graphic design.
Complete Computing Services
Offers web page design, computer sales and service, and network implementations. Offers service and specials information, portfolio, and links.
Cubed Element
Site design and development, as well as brochures and multimedia.
Custom Software Houston
Offers web design and database development. Includes examples of past work.
Cyber Ink Design
Provides web site design services for small businesses. Includes service information, portfolio, and prices.
D Web Designers
Offers web design and hosting.
Provides web development specializing in creating database driven interactive web sites and corporate intranets. Offers company and service information.
Design Focus
Offers web design and web site management for database driven sites.
Offers web design, marketing, and domain management services.
Directory One
Provides development, promotion and design of web sites, hosting, domain name registration, and technical support.
Dominion Design Group
Custom website design, development, search engine optimization, and management for small to mid-size businesses. Information on services and portfolio.
Offers web design and graphic design. Provides a portfolio of past projects.
Offers web design, site maintenance and search engine placement services. Provides service information and work samples.
eBevo Intetnet Solutions
Providing personal and business class web hosting and development.
eBlink Consulting & Design
Offers web design and other multimedia services for small businesses.
Offers web design, domain registration and hosting.
Interactive agency offers to produce web sites, CD's and online advertising.
Eye Candy, Inc
Offers web design, graphic design, computer animation and video production.
Fastlane Designs
Automotive dealership websites. Includes portfolio and information on technologies offered.
Haider's Web Services
Offers web design, hosting and search engine optimization.
HBC Internet Services
We offer professional cost effective web site and Internet design, free quotations for new sites or re-design, and standard website packages for small to medium sized businesses.
Hifi Graphic
Offers web design and graphic design. Includes client list and portfolio.
Provides web interface, design, and hosting. Includes online portfolio.
Houston Area Professionals
Provides clients with a reasonable alternative to high-cost web development firms.
Houston's Websites
Offers web design and web site hosting. Includes portfolio of past work.
Web development, hosting and search engine optimization. News, information on services and products. Requires Flash.
Icabob Design and Hosting.
Custom website design and development. Hosting, dial-up, ecommerce, graphic, banner, and logo design.
ICI-eSolutions, LLC
Offers web design, hosting, and credit card merchant services for e-commerce sites.
Provides network solutions, internet services, hosting, software development, e-commerce, B2B, and acquisition services.
InfoServe Media, LLC
Offers information on services of web design, hosting, domain name registration and packages.
Offers web design, content management, credit card merchant services, and bulk mailing services. Includes client list.
Jericho Technology
Provides website design, e-commerce, Flash animation, graphics, and logo design.
John Weaver Design
Offers web design and graphic design. Includes samples of work.
Jumpcat Studios
Offers web design and writing.
Offers web design and graphic design.
Kustom Sites
Offers web design, hosting and search engine optimization.
Lone Pine Design
Provides web design services.
Lyle Did This
Offers web design and graphic design.
Mad Rat Media
Offers web site, graphic design, and animation services. Provides a description of services and a gallery of sample work.
Major Websites
Provides web site design and maintenance services. Offers price list and work samples.
Offers web site design and construction. Includes a portfolio of past work
Marjo Productions
Offers web design, graphic design, video production and web site maintenance. Provides links to clients' sites.
Services, FAQ, portfolio, and contact information.
Media A-Team
Offers web design, technical writing and video production. Provides large online portfolio.
Metal Studio Inc.
Graphic design firm providing full service multimedia, web site design and development.
Mitchell Graphics
Offers flash design and animation.
Monomni Studio
Offers web design and graphic design.
Offers web site development for custom ecommerce applications, shopping carts, and intranet document libraries. Provides company information and an online demonstration.
Nurick + Associates
Web sites for corporations, small businesses, professionals, education, and institutions, with e-Commerce, web applications, web design, internet strategy. Services offered and portfolio.
Website design and R.E. Lee (Houston) 1968 class information.
Online Database Management
Specializing in e-commerce design and hosting including custom graphics and programming.
Online Store Builder
Offers online store/site builder service that contains order tracking, categories and sub categories, shopping cart, and sales reports. Offers company information and pricing.
Outlaw Web Designs
Offers web design, programming, Flash animation, and network consulting.
Petra Computing
Offers web design and hosting services.
Offers web design, online brand strategy, content management, hosting and database integration. Provides online portfolio.
Ranking Pro
Offers search engine optimization, submissions, web design and hosting.
Red Moon Studios
Offers web design, Flash animation and graphic design.
Restart Office
Firm offers web design, search engine optimization and Internet marketing advice.
SCA Innovations
SCA Innovations offers web hosting and web design, domain name registration, search engine submission, and online marketing services.
Schipul Technologies, Inc.
Offers web design and online business tool development for professional services companies using the Microsoft platform.
Provides information on services, products, portfolio and development methodology.
Screen Works
Offers web design and includes a portfolio of past projects.
SDI Studios
Offers web design, graphic design and multimedia. Provides samples of work and client list.
SEO Houston
Offers search engine optimization with no advance fees.
Shawn Fry
Offers design, consulting, and marketing services. Provides qualifications and details of a book he authored on the subject.
Offers web publishing and automated content management.
Offers web design, hosting and search engine optimization.
Skunk Works Designs
Offers web design and print design. Provides portfolio of past projects.
Soft Science Internet Technologies
Specializes in custom website development including Flash, e-commerce, intranets and multimedia. Features site promotion, hosting, streaming multimedia, java and perl applications.
Space City Media
A web design and hosting company. Offering useful information on technical web page coding issues.
Spur Digital
Offers online marketing strategies, search engine marketing, email marketing, and web site analysis.
Stewart Media Solutions
Offers web design, hosting, domain registration and video production. Includes online portfolio.
TechRadium, Inc.
Services, products, portfolio, and contact details.
Texas Graphics
Offers site design services and graphics.
The Lion's Den
Offers web design and graphic design.
Total Net Control
Offers ecommerce, website design, hosting, and search engine optimization services.
Trinicom Communications
Providing web and computing solutions to business and industry around the globe since 1995.
Offers web design and graphic design. Includes samples of work.
Two Roads Media
Offers web design, database development, web hosting, graphic design and Internet solutions.
Uperlink Technologies
Offers design and Flash animation.
Velocity Global
Offers web design and development, plus custom software development. Includes client list.
Verve Creative Partners
Offers web design. Features portfolio and services description.
Specializes in web page design, web site development, promotion, website hosting, secure online credit card processing, cut and shaped cd business cards, and merchant services.
Web By Design
Offers web design. Includes portfolio of past work.
Web Designs
Providing web development and construction.
Web Specialists, Inc.
Offers web design, e-commerce solutions, hosting, maintenance, monitoring, promotion, and streaming media solutions.
Offers web design, hosting and marketing. Provides information on the company's history, and a portfolio of past work.
Offers assistance in developing domains on the World Wide Web. Includes static and dynamic examples, tutorials, and detailed service listings.
Provides web design, video production, and multimedia services. Includes English and Spanish commercial demonstrations and a description of services.
Offers web design, hosting, domain registration and search engine optimization.
WebWize, Inc.
Web design, site development, and search engine registration along with web hosting.
White Flower Designs
Offers web design services. Contains portfolio and pricing information.
Xpress Web Pages
Web services including hosting, website design, and maintenance.