english deutsch
A I & Associates, Inc.
Provides civil and structural engineering, land surveying, planning, and construction management services. Offers company information and career opportunities.
Acquisition Solutions
Manufacturer of data systems to update mass spectrometers and improve instrument performances in laboratories.
AE Trans
[Flash needed] Translation in all languages, in the oil and gas, medical, technical and legal fields.
Alliance B2B
Technology consulting, web development, and recruiting services. Describes services and products provided.
Baker Communications
Offers sales, management, and customer service training. Includes course syllabi, calendar, and staff biographies.
Printing services, forms management, event and video production.
Bob J. Johnson & Associates, Inc.
Provides water treatment systems to commercial and industrial customers. Offers product and services information.
Campbell and Associates
Full-service consulting firm in environmental and natural resource investigations.
Certified Business Brokers
Information on buying or selling a business, businesses currently for sale, and career opportunities.
Color Copies
Provides copy and printing services for businesses, including binding and rubber stamps.
Com-Tech-Net Systems
Copier service and repair.
Commerce Business Consulting
Certified business brokers with businesses for sale, loans, valuations, and franchise opportunity and other services.
Computer Productivity Consulting
Small business and technology consulting services. Includes details of services offered.
Control Dynamics
Provides consulting and integration services to global industrial and manufacturing clients. Offers news, solutions, and company information.
Custom Decor, Inc.
Contract furniture design company for national chains, interior designers, clubs and restaurants. Offers product and services information.
Decision Strategies, Inc.
Decision management consultants.
Documentation Resources, Inc.
Full service professional technical writing and on-line documentation company.
Donna Fisher
Certified speaking professional focused on the people side of business. Offers biography, presentation topics, schedule, and published articles.
Evaluation Systems for Personnel
Provides mystery shopping and sales training services.
Exhibit Design Group
Offers trade show and exhibition design services.
Federal Wage and Labor Law Institute
Sells minimum wage and labor law posters.
Frontline Resources, Inc.
Provides ISO 9000 consulting services.
GPS Integrated Systems, Inc.
Rents and sells survey grade GPS receivers to the land and marine survey industries.
HCCS Conference Center
Provides professional, affordable meeting space with high-tech capabilities. Offers 360 degree virtual tours of the facility and services information.
Houston Telemessaging Group
Telephone answering and message service for the medical community including fax, email, and alpha page delivery. Includes company history and services offered.
Human Capital International
Offers organizational culture, planning and development, team building, and coaching services. Provides online employment testing, assessment and development tools.
Information Network International
Provides record and information management services as data analysis and records center management.
Mail Services of Houston
Mailing and commercial printing services.
Management Systems
Motivational business speaker Stephen Blakesley. Description of coaching and facilitating services offered.
Mercator, Inc. GPS Rentals and Sales
GPS systems rentals and sales serving users world-wide especially for the survey industry. System pictures, descriptions, and pricing.
New Century Systems
Specializes in the custom installation of office furniture and interior systems.
Omni GPS
Sells, supports, and installs passive and real-time GPS tracking systems.
Performance Enhancement Group, Ltd.
Organizational development consulting firm. Company history, backgrounds of principles, and listing of services offered.
Professional Services
Offers valet parking, hospitality staffing, and janitorial services.
Progressive Instruments
Instrumentation distributor of gauges, RTD's, calibration equipment, thermocouples, valves, manifolds, and regulators. Offers company and product information.
Rainbow Landscapes
Interior tropical plant commercial sales and service.
Revolution Consulting
Provides executive coaching, mentoring, and vision and leadership development for businesses. Offers daily notes and coaching philosophy.
Richey Resources
Offers sales training and marketing consulting to sales managers of new home builders. Provides schedule of seminars and program information.
Source Environmental Sciences
Offers environmental engineering and consulting services to industrial and commercial clients, including preparing analyses and reports, technical filings, and related studies such as air, water, and waste permit applications.
Southern Business Services
Services include employee manual development, preliminary employee interviewing and screening, bookkeeping and secretarial.
Southwest Museum Services
Provides museum exhibit services such as collection management, conservation, exhibit fabrication, video and writing production work. Offers portfolio and personnel information.
TGE Resources
Offers environmental consulting and management services, including assessments and permitting.
The Acratod Company
Provides document management solutions for Southeast Texas.
The Centergy Company
Provides, companies, schools and families with conflict resolution solutions. Includes mission statement and weekend workshop schedule.
The Service Center, Ltd.
Provides solutions for warehouse and distribution, fulfillment and direct mail. Utilizes an integrated online system for ordering, managing and shipping inventory.
TIC International, LLC.
Technology and construction consulting and services.
Timeco Systems, Inc.
Time and attendance and labor management specialists. Includes products, services and contacts.
Tri-Global Technologies, LLC
GPS field solutions provider and authorized sales agent and software developer for Trimble, Garmin, LaserCraft, and ESRI.
Video Monthly
Provide a monthly supply of videos to Apartment complexes.
Provides work uniforms for all industries from restaurant work to industrial jobs. All products my be purchased blank or with custom embroidered logo.
Western Data Systems
Provides Trimble GPS rentals and sales including used demo units. Offers product information and related links.
Writing by Design
Specializes in formatting and writing concise operating procedures.
Wyne Island Consulting
Offers professional development and technical training programs. Provides company, course schedule, and training information.