english deutsch
D&D Music School
Providing band programs, flutophone/recorder class, general music, private instruction, summer programs, ballet, modern dance and health/physical education .
Glazed Over Ceramic Studios
Paint-your-own-pottery studio. Classes are also available.
Provides drawing classes for birthdays, after school programs, enrichment programs and summer camp for preschoolers to senior citizens.
Rice University
Art and Art History. Details on the departments and their programs at the University.
Rice University Media Center
The home of film and photography at Rice University. Faculty, staff, background of the center, and contact information.
Rice University Shepherd School of Music
Offers degree programs from bachelors to doctoral in level. Conducts many free faculty and student concerts and recitals which are open to the public.
University of Houston
Department of Art. Offers the bachelor and master of fine arts degrees in five studio areas, and a Bachelor of Arts in Art History and Art Education.
University of Houston
Moores School of Music. Although the primary mission of the school is to educate and train professional performers and teachers, it also serves the community at large with its public concerts and class offerings. Undergraduate and graduate degrees through the doctoral level are offered in theory, performance, composition, music history, pedagogy, conducting and music education.
University of Houston
School of Theatre offers the Bachelor of Arts in theatre, minors in theatre and dance, and teacher certification in drama/theatre and dance. The school also produces a mainstage season of four plays during the school year.