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Academy Foot Specialists
Paul T. Marciano, D.P.M., M.S. Foot specialist treating bunions, corns and athletic injuries.
Aesthetic Dentistry of Grapevine
Dr. Armida Neaves dental office. Located within the Rose Plaza Professional Building. Site includes map, office hours, contact info.
Baylor Medical Center at Grapevine
Directory of physicians and a list of services.
Brooks Eye Center
Dr. Brooks provides family eyecare services. Therapy for vision disorders, athletic performance, and vision loss due to retinal disorders.
Foot and Ankle Associates of North Texas
Podiatry clinic. Overview of services, doctor location, hours and contact information.
Grapevine Health Care Associates
Providing family medical services, with clinic hours and conact details.
Phoenix Rising Internal Arts
Classes offered in Yoga, Pilates, T'ai Chi and Qigong. Include schedule, prices, and locations.
Sandra Lee Armstrong, DDS
Pediatric dentist offering various forms of special care dentistry and personal pagers so parents can run errands during the visit.
Smiles By Martin
Cosmetic and family dental practice. Site provides information many cosmetic services.