english deutsch
Congresswoman Kay Granger
12th District of Texas. The first Republican woman from Texas in the US House of Representatives; an Assistant Majority Whip and member of the House Appropriations Committee.
Fort Worth Automated Flight Service Station (FTW A
Provides pilot weather briefings, weather, receives and processes IFR and VFR flight plans, relays ATC clearances, and issues Notices to Airmen. Also provides assistance to lost aircraft and aircraft in emergency situations and conducts VFR search and rescue services.
Ft. Worth District Reservoir Control Office
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Daily reports, hydrological data, recreation opportunities, and drought procedures.
Fort Worth office of Housing and Urban Development.
NARA's Southwest Region (Fort Worth)
National Archives and Records Administration. Maintains retired records from Federal agencies and courts in Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, and Texas.
National Weather Service Southern Region Headquart
Links to Weather Forecast Offices, River Forecast Centers, the space flight meteorology training program, forecasts, warnings, and climatology for the Southern U.S. (Located in Fort Worth, Texas.)
Reservoir Control Office
US Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District.
U.S. Railroad Retirement Board
Fort Worth District Office.
US Army Corps of Engineers
Fort Worth District.
Western Currency Facility
Bureau of Printing and Engraving's only currency printing facility outside of D.C. is in Fort Worth.
Fort Worth Air Route Traffic Control Center.