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Corpus Christi Medical Center, Driscoll Children's Hospital, Northwest Regional Hospital
Family Vision Associates, John E. Bishop, Precision Eye Laser Center, Richard C Lazarte, OD
Coastal Bend Healthcare Solutions
Non-profit network of physicians, hospitals, and ancillary care providers covering a 13-county area in South Texas for self-funded employers and employers who can benefit from insurance self-funding.
Health news and a physicians and doctors directory.
Corpus Christi Better Health Institute
A series of literature written by Dr. Bolster to better your health.
Corpus Christi Women's Clinic
Includes practice information and hospital affiliations.
Curtis Chiropractic Clinic
Provides treatment for those suffering from work, auto, sports, and other musculoskeletal injuries. Location and contact information provided.
Dr. Herve Gentile
Providing cosmetic surgery aesthetic skin care and laser hair removal.
Pathways to Wellness
Guide to personal and professional excellence through yoga, herbs, nutritional counseling, and workshops.
Texas MHMR Corpus Christi State School
Provides residential care, education, and training for adults with mental retardation. Background, list of services, and employment information included.
The Pilates Training Center
Provides matwork classes, apparatus training and therapeutic services. Includes a history of the Method and a class schedule.