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Real Estate
Bill Johnson Real Estate
Beans and Baubles
Sells art, hosts live music, and sells bath and beauty products.
Bellville Meat Market
Offers smoked sausage and deer and other meat processing. Includes products, services, contact information, and history.
ChefMoz: Bellville
Detailed restaurant listings and dining guide with reviews submitted by the public, and links to outside reviews. Search by name, cuisine, rating, or location.
Hemisphere Corporation
Retail computer and network sales and service in Bellville, Texas. Includes contact information and services.
Tesco Industries
An industry leader providing quality hardwood furniture and shelving for libraries across the nation.
The Pecan Tree Kennel
Sales of English Pointer, German Short-haired pointer, Brittany Spaniel, and English Setter hunting bird dogs. Located in Bellville, Texas.