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Provides outsourced customer service solutions exclusively to the healthcare industry. Includes news, services, and clients.
Harris Methodist H-E-B Hospital
Hospital in northeast Tarrant County, Texas. Includes mission and history, find a physician, hospital services, web nursery, and job opportunities.
Naomi McDonald, RMT
Offers therapeutic massage, reiki, reflexology, and aromatheraphy services. Includes rates and policies.
Riverbend Behavioral Healthcare Associates
Team of independent mental health providers offering outpatient psychotherapy, assessment, and biofeedback services to patients, physicians, and employers.
The Woman's Group
Female-run obstetrics and gynecology practice. Includes information about health issues and privacy.
Therapy N Motions
Massage therapists offering hot stone massage, Swedish and therapeutic massage, trigger point therapy, Reiki, and reflexology.
Windsong Therapy
Frankie L. Burget practices myofascial release and other holistic therapies.