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Real Estate
PRN Real Estate, The Oaks of Landera
Anson Financial, Inc.
Bedford, Texas mortgage company. Includes contact information and products.
Big Boy Designs
Offers Web design, development, hosting, and printing services.
Blue Candle Computers
Provider of PC hardware and software products.
C I Host
Highspeed webhosting solutions. Web page design and consultation, domain name registration, virtual domain routing, and online ecommerce.
ChefMoz: Bedford
Directory of restaurants. Invites restaurant submissions and reviews.
Diane M. Wanger
Lawyer specializing in family law, especially divorce. Includes articles and resume.
Grubbs Auto
Jeep, Nissan, Chrysler, and Plymouth dealer in Bedford, Texas. Sales of new and used cars.
Harps of Avalon Folk Music Store
Specializes in harps and offers lessons. Also offers winds, drums, psalteries, dulcimers, and recordings. Includes events schedule and driving instructions.
James Helvey Insurance Agency
Offers health and medical insurance, group medical, long term care, disability, dental, and income protection insurance. Includes services, location, and contact information.
Jerry Fain Models, Inc.
Provides prototype model and machining services to a wide variety of markets, including models for consumer and medical products, and military equipment as well as mockups for the chemical and energy industries. Other services include design and development of internal components and equipment for head of state aircraft.
National Patient Account Services
Offering employment opportunities at NPAS which performs collections for HCA hospitals, as well as Lifepoint and Triad hospitals.
Park Place Motorcars Mid-Cities - Bedford, Texas
A Mercedes dealer providing information about new and pre-owned vehicles, services, sales, parts, hours, and directions.
Polygraph Science Center of Texas
Polygraph services. Includes frequently asked questions and contact information.
Specialty Sound
Provides disc jockeys for weddings and parties. Includes services, song lists, equipment, pictures, FAQs and testimonials.
The Parker Law Firm
Personal injury law firm. Information on attorneys and practice areas.
Venable and Vida, L.L.P.
Bankruptcy law firm. FAQs, staff profiles, and information on bankruptcy types.