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American Civil Liberties Union: Central Texas Chap
Features contact information and upcoming events.
Austin Committee in Solidarity with the People of
Works on building cross-border solidarity with the people of El Salvador. Also opposes the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) and a congressional grant of fast-track authority to the President. Includes a calendar of events.
Austin Human Rights Campaign
Works for equal rights. Site includes contact information and upcoming events.
Austin Living Wage Coalition
Works toward the goal that every working person is entitled to a decent standard of living. Includes living wage formula, ideas and myths, and events.
Gray Panthers of Austin
Intergenerational advocacy organization working for universal health care, living wage, the right to organize, peace, the environment, economic justice, affordable housing, and access to quality education. Includes a calendar of events, newsletter, and legislative updates.
Light Rail Now
Provides guidance, strategic insight, technical expertise, and networking in support of light rail. Includes news, calendar, videos, articles, and mailing list.
Liveable City
Addresses issues related to Austin's growth and development that affect quality of life. Site includes survey, ways you can take action, and a mailing list.
MEChA at the University of Tejaztlan at Austin
Draws attention to the needs and concerns of Chicanos, both in the educational system and in the community. Includes meeting schedule and articles.
North Central I-35 Neighborhoods Coalition
Seeks a review by independent transportation experts, regional planners, and urban design specialists of the proposed redesign of Interstate 35.
Palestine Solidarity Committee
Organization at the University of Texas at Austin that educates students about the struggle of the Palestinian people. Includes calendar, articles, maps, suggested reading, and contact information for officers.
Political Asylum Project of Austin (PAPA)
Provides free and low-cost legal services and education to promote justice for immigrants and refugees in Central Texas. Includes list of current programs, job and volunteer opportunities, and contact information for officers.
Stop Covert War
Promoting the preservation of Constitutional rights for all Americans by informing the public about flagrant government abuse of those rights. Includes a calendar of events, tests you can do to determine whether you are bugged, and a list of missing persons.
Texas Community Project
Non-profit organization working for sustainable growth and responsive government. Includes a list of projects and success stories.
Universal Living Wage Campaign
Includes formula, petition, articles, data about why the wage is necessary and how it has been successful in other cities, calendar of events, information about how you can help, and donation information.
WALK Austin
Organizes citizen support for increased use and safety of pedestrian facilities. Includes a database of pedestrian problems, quotations about walking, and a list of questions to ask candidates.